So far I've used nosetests with just one process and everything works fine.

To ensure my setUp is only executed once, I'm using a boolean var.

def setUp(self):
  if not self.setupOk:
    selTest.setupOk = True
    # start selenium
    # do other stuff which will be needed for all other tests to be able to run

Now I would like to run nosetests with the option --processes=5

How can I ensure that setUp(self) is only execued by one process (while the other processes are waiting).

I've tried to work with

def setUp(self):
  lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
      if not self.setupOk:
        selTest.setupOk = True
        # start selenium
        # do other stuff which will be needed for all other tests to be able to run 

but this doesn't seems to work.

1 Answer 1


setUp will be called before every test is run. If you want a method to execute just once, you can use setUpClass:

def setUpClass(cls):
    print "do stuff which needs to be run once"

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