The array kids is an array of type Infant that has already been declared and initialized with Infant objects. Write a loop that prints, in a column, the names of the all of the infants in the kids array.

This is the Infant class..

public class Infant{

  private  String name;
  private int age;  // in months

  public Infant(String who, int months){
    name = who;
    age = months;

  public String getName(){return name;}

  public int getAge(){return age;}

  public void anotherMonth(){age = age + 1;}

The code i have tried is

for (int j = 0; j<kids.length; j++) {



2 Answers 2


Change your print line statement


On a side note , another neater way to write the for loop is :

 for (Infant i: kids){


Which just boils down to, for all infants in the array kids, do a particular operation( in this case print their names)

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