
I'm looking for analysing sentiment in arabic language , to do that I collect some status from facebook and I classify them into positive and negative , I'm using RapidMiner software so I do the tokenization and stemmig and stop words remove , now I want that my corpus consider the emoticons " :( and :) " as a positive and begative sentiment , how to add that to my corpus.

enter image description here

this the model that I used , what operator I have to incorporate in order to deal with smileys as positive and negative sentiment

  • Providing the relevant code that you're working with would help get you useful answers. Mar 12, 2013 at 3:24

1 Answer 1


Tokenization will typically remove punctuation. Are you implementing your own tokenizer to avoid this? Perhaps a custom TokenMarker?

  • how to create my own tokenizer ?? I used the tokenizer operator with the non letters parameter Mar 14, 2013 at 23:02

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