Having a little trouble with .hover()

I'm grabbing some dribbble shots, which are pulled in on page load. And for some reason adding a class via hover doesn't want to work on them.

Although it works perfectly fine with a standard list.

jsFiddle here


$("#dribbble li").hover(

function () {

function () {


<div id="dribbble">

  • 2
    What do you expect to see? Where is your CSS? Mar 11, 2013 at 19:29
  • Your hover events is workin pretty well. It is not visible due to the jribbble plugin. Perhaps because they ar using some kind of e.stopPropagation() code
    – sdespont
    Mar 11, 2013 at 19:45

2 Answers 2


Use delegation - I'm guessing your elements aren't getting bound because it's they aren't available in the dom at the time of binding

    mouseenter: function () {
    mouseleave:function () {

Also you'll have to be more specific with your css if you want it to take precedence over the other styles

#dribbble li.hover {



You need to attach event handlers to elements that exist already. As you are creating li elements you must bind to a parent and then filter to the element you require (which is actually desirable when done correctly).


$("#dribbble").on('mouseenter','li',function () {

$("#dribbble").on('mouseleave','li',function () {

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