I'm trying to upgrade from Grails 2.0.3 to 2.2.1 as part of my Happy Trails application.
The first thing I struggled with was getting Geb/Spock to work with Groovy 2. I was getting the following error when trying to install plugins or do just about anything.
| Resolving plugin JAR dependencies
| Error WARNING: Dependencies cannot be resolved for plugin [mail] due to error: startup failed:
Could not instantiate global transform class org.spockframework.compiler.SpockTransform specified at jar:file:/Users/mraible/.grails/ivy-cache/org.spockframework/spock-core/jars/spock-core-0.7-groovy-1.8.jar!/META-INF/services/org.codehaus.groovy.transform.ASTTransformation because of exception org.spockframework.util.IncompatibleGroovyVersionException: The Spock compiler plugin cannot execute because Spock 0.7.0-groovy-1.8 is not compatible with Groovy 2.0.7. For more information, see http://versioninfo.spockframework.org
I was able to workaround this using the spock instructions for Grails 2.2.
However, now I'm stuck with a strange error where Grails seems to be trying to download articles from a local repository.
$ grails compile
| Configuring classpath
:: problems summary ::
Server access Error: Connection refused url=http://localhost:8081/artifactory/plugins-releases-local/org/codehaus/geb/geb-spock/0.9.0-RC-1/geb-spock-0.9.0-RC-1.pom
Server access Error: Connection refused url=http://localhost:8081/artifactory/plugins-releases-local/org/codehaus/geb/geb-spock/0.9.0-RC-1/geb-spock-0.9.0-RC-1.jar
| Error Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information):
- org.codehaus.geb:geb-spock:0.9.0-RC-1
Here's the diff for my project so far:
command? If so, look for 'geb-spock' in the dependencies. Grails is looking for it in the wrong package (org.codehaus.geb is the old one), which suggests some stale dependency cache information.