Well, I have this problem regarding about FB.ui about message attribute,property/object or whatever is it called. (doesn't know what it's called though, my bad.)
I saw this code at some site:
And here's the specific part that I'm concerned with.
It's not working for me at least...
Well this is my code,
function postToFeed() { //Facebook Share Function
// calling the API ...
var obj = {
method: 'feed',
display: "iframe",
message: "Hey Hey Lol",
link: "http://www.facebook.com/pages/<?php echo $fbp_name; ?>/<?php echo $fbp_id; ?>?sk=app_xxxxx",
picture: "http://www.compibot.com/<?php echo $image_folder; ?>/<?php echo $event_info[4]; ?>",
name: "<?php echo $event_info[1]; ?>",
caption: '<?php echo "Expires in: " . $mdy_expiry; ?>',
description: "<?php echo $event_info[2]; ?>",
actions: [{ name: 'Vote', link: 'https://www.facebook.com/<?php echo $fbp_id ?>'}]
function callback(response) {
addScore("<?php echo $event_table; ?>", "fbshare_point");
FB.ui(obj, callback);
And this is the output that I'm getting that will be shown below.
Instead of saying Hey Hey Lol in textarea of facebook share. it was just blank.
I even changed the method to "stream.publish" still not working.
Any idea how to fix this stuff?
Any help would be appreciated.