I have a web application, including front and backend code, which I would like to push to github, but, it currently has some of its dependencies managed it its source tree. The backend code is Perl, and installing module dependencies from CPAN is well understood, so I don't have those in there. I mostly have jQuery libraries and some other Javascript libraries that are open source.
-jquerylibs (with their license)
-jslibs (with their own licenses)
For deployment, this is extremely convenient, as I can control which versions of the libraries are being used, and also not force people to use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to load jQuery etc. from a remote domain which might not still be online in three or five years.
However, I am not sure if it is appropriate to include the source of other projects in with my application, even if I include the license files.
What's the best way to include dependencies like this in an open source web application, doing honor to the dependencies whilst maintaining the convenience of a working deployment?