I've added this to my .git/config file:

fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

Which allows me to pull down pull request diffs, but when I check it out it actually creates a branch with that same name. Is there any way for me to push to pr/2 and have it actually go to the pull request instead of going to a new branch named pr/2?

4 Answers 4


Here are GitHub's "Merging via command line" instructions for pull requests (I am fulldecent, the other guy is ospr):

Step 1: From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.

git checkout -b ospr-image-rendering master
git pull https://github.com/ospr/FDWaveformView.git ospr-image-rendering

Step 2: Merge the changes and update on GitHub.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff ospr-image-rendering
git push origin master

Here is the additional step that sends your changes back upstream(?) to the PR originator.

git push https://github.com/ospr/FDWaveformView.git ospr-image-rendering:image-rendering
  • 37
    Thanks, exactly what I was looking for. Note you can skip/defer step 2 (merging into your master) and just push your local changes directly into the PR with your third step. The general form is git push <pr-repo.git> <your-local-branch-name>:<pr-branch-name>.
    – medmunds
    Commented Jun 18, 2017 at 23:27

A Pull Request is just a request to merge a certain branch. This means commits made to the branch after the pull request is opened will be included in the eventual merge.

If you have access to the branch that the pull request is asking to merge, you can commit to that branch and the pull request will update with the changes.


pull/3 is requesting to merge hotfix into master

git fetch
git checkout hotfix
git pull origin hotfix

make changes

git add .
git commit -m "changes!"
git push origin hotfix

Now your commit will show up in the pull request.


Good question. But I would be surprised if you could:

$ cat .git/refs/pull/upstream/839 

Even if you can somehow change that reference to what you like, github has other metadata that you can't easily change. So better push to the branch pull was created from.

$ git push [email protected]:owner/repo.git HEAD:target-branch

See the github command line wrapper for easier github interaction from command line: https://hub.github.com/

In summary: You can push to an existing pull request if you push to the fork/branch that PR is based on. It is often possible depending on repo settings.

git push [email protected]:username/repo-name.git localbranchname:remotebranchname

or if you have the fork added as a remote in your local repo, then:

git push remotename localbranchname:remotebranchname

The GitHub Desktop client will create another pull request (PR) that includes the original PR and your changes if you try to merge changes to a PR you checked out.

I did this off of my master branch but presumably you could make another branch and then create a pull request to the pull request. It's all magical to me though with these fancy Git GUIs.

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