I wanted to know if anyone is having trouble getting Cmd-r to launch their app?

It does bring up chromium, but I must then manually type localhost:3030 and then navigate to my actual app. Furthermore even after navigating to the app, the server connection eventually times out with

java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

I am on a OS X 10.7.5, Dart Editor version 0.4.2_r20259. Thank you.

4/25/2013: Just to add details about what does not work, here is the error I get when I attempt to compile with the pre-release dartEditor mentioned by Devon Carew:

--- Mar 25, 2013 11:13:59 AM build.dart --machine --changed=web/quizry3.html ---
build.dart returned error code 255

Uncaught Error: Class '_File' has no instance method 'open' with matching arguments.

NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named 'open'
Receiver: Instance of '_File@0x1da10ec4'
Tried calling: open(Instance of 'FileMode')
Found: open(mode)
Stack Trace:
#0      Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch:1884:25)
#1      ConsoleFileSystem.writeString (package:web_ui/src/file_system/console.dart:22:43)
#2      writeFile (package:web_ui/dwc.dart:104:27)
#3      emitFiles.<anonymous closure> (package:web_ui/dwc.dart:92:35)
#4      List.forEach (dart:core-patch:1219:8)
#5      emitFiles (package:web_ui/dwc.dart:92:18)
#6      run.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (package:web_ui/dwc.dart:86:29)
#7      _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:463:24)
#8      _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#9      _FutureImpl._chain (dart:async:418:23)
#10     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:429:27)
#11     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#12     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#13     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#14     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#15     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#16     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#17     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#18     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#19     _CompleterImpl.complete (dart:async:190:21)
#20     FutureGroup.add.<anonymous closure> (package:web_ui/src/utils.dart:139:28)
#21     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:463:24)
#22     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#23     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#24     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#25     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#26     _CatchErrorFuture._sendValue (dart:async:485:14)
#27     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#28     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#29     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#30     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#31     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#32     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#33     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#34     _FutureListenerWrapper._sendValue (dart:async:221:21)
#35     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#36     _FutureListenerWrapper._sendValue (dart:async:221:21)
#37     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#38     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#39     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#40     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#41     _FutureListenerWrapper._sendValue (dart:async:221:21)
#42     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#43     _FutureImpl._setOrChainValue (dart:async:437:16)
#44     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:473:21)
#45     _FutureImpl._setValue (dart:async:361:26)
#46     _CompleterImpl.complete (dart:async:190:21)
#47     _SendPortImpl.call.<anonymous closure> (dart:isolate-patch:106:27)
#48     _ReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch:81:92)

Unhandled exception:
Class '_File' has no instance method 'open' with matching arguments.

NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named 'open'
Receiver: Instance of '_File@0x1da10ec4'
Tried calling: open(Instance of 'FileMode')
Found: open(mode)
#0      _FutureImpl._scheduleUnhandledError.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:391:9)
#1      Timer.run.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2362:21)
#2      Timer.run.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2370:13)
#3      Timer.Timer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async-patch:15:15)
#4      _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (dart:io:6385:28)
#5      _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (dart:io:6393:7)
#6      _Timer._createTimerHandler.<anonymous closure> (dart:io:6401:23)
#7      _ReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch:81:92)

1 Answer 1


This pre-release version may fix the connection refused issue for you:


  • Well, the good news is that it does work. It now launches the connection properly. The bad news is that it does not compile the code anymore. :/ If I go to a previous dartEditor though, and then compile the code, and then switch over to the above dartEditor, it does launch properly though. So, looking forward to next version. Commented Mar 25, 2013 at 18:17

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