For me Bracket Highlighter plugin is not coloring and highlighting brackets but just underlining them in white.

Here is a snapshot:

Sublime BracketHighlighter only underlines doesn't highlight

Anyone knows of a solution?

3 Answers 3


I have modified my example based upon the comments of AGS - it now includes a couple of highlight options and the rest are outline. Thank you AGS and thank you to the original poster for creating this useful thread.


    "bracket_styles": {
        // This particular style is used to highlight
        // unmatched bracket pairs. It is a special
        // style.
        "unmatched": {
            "icon": "question",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.unmatched",
            "style": "highlight"
        // User defined region styles
        "curly": {
            "icon": "curly_bracket",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.curly",
            "style": "highlight"
        "round": {
            "icon": "round_bracket",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.round",
            "style": "outline"
        "square": {
            "icon": "square_bracket",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.square",
            "style": "outline"
        "angle": {
            "icon": "angle_bracket",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.angle",
            "style": "outline"
        "tag": {
            "icon": "tag",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.tag",
            "style": "outline"
        "single_quote": {
            "icon": "single_quote",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",
            "style": "outline"
        "double_quote": {
            "icon": "double_quote",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",
            "style": "outline"
        "regex": {
            "icon": "regex",
            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",
            "style": "outline"


<!-- BEGIN Bracket Highlighter plugin color modifications -->


    <string>Bracket Curly</string>

    <string>Bracket Round</string>

    <string>Bracket Square</string>

    <string>Bracket Angle</string>

    <string>Bracket Tag</string>

    <string>Single Quote | Double Quote | Regex</string>

<!-- END Bracket Highlighter plugin color modifications -->
  • Search for the word bracket inside your theme file to see if there are conflicts with the settings listed above -- some themes come with bracket settings. Also check to see if your syntax for the file is selected to something code-like. For example, not much ever happens in plain old text mode. Pick a color like red to do your tests so that you can really see if something is happening, and pick something simple like [] square brackets. Try outline and also highlight just to see if the plugin is doing something. My post is merely an excerpt of the ingredients necessary.
    – lawlist
    Mar 29, 2013 at 2:59
  • 1
    Tip: if you don't have a bh_core.sublime-settings file, create one using the content posted in this answer.
    – renatov
    Feb 23, 2014 at 23:11

Edit your ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/BracketHighlighter/bh_core.sublime-settings

And set "style" to "highlight" for each bracket type you want highlighted. Here is an example for curly brackets.

 // User defined region styles
 "curly": {
     "icon": "curly_bracket",
     "color": "entity.name.class",
     "style": "highlight"
  • 2
    cool, I am able to highlight it, but now it highlights all of them with the same color, i.e. white even though I have set explicit colors for every type.
    – bootkick
    Mar 27, 2013 at 17:36
  • Like @lawlist mentioned, you need to set the colors in your .tmTheme file, and call those in your bh_core.sublime-settings file. (White is the BH2 default, I believe)
    – AGS
    Mar 27, 2013 at 17:45
  • Hmm... this is really weird. coz on my other pc bracket highlighter works awesomely fine and I dint have to set anything up for it.
    – bootkick
    Mar 27, 2013 at 17:49
  • You can also use "solid" instead of "highlight".
    – toni rmc
    Feb 4, 2017 at 3:31

Restart Sublime.

I just spent 20 mins hunting and trying all the above etc. Finally found a comment elsewhere suggesting a restart; which fixed it and gave me a brief moment long enough to slap myself hard while it reloaded.

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