Jasmine allows you to write your own "matchers". The documentation explains it.
You could write a very specific matcher that is called
Personally I would write something a bit more generic which checks the value type. That way I could use it to not just check if a method is defined on and object/instance, but anything that can store a value. It also gives me the possibility to check for types other then the function type.
To get it to work you do have to make sure to add the toBeA "matcher".
toBeA: toBeA
function toBeA() {
return {
compare: function (value, type) {
var result = {pass: val != null && val.constructor === type || val instanceof type};
if (result.pass) {
result.message = 'Expected ' + value + ' to be a ' + type.name
} else {
result.message = 'Expected ' + value + ' to not be a ' + type.name
return result;