Im trying to learn how to match two files together. But I'm trying everythng for 5 hours now... And still no idea what to do.

The first file(600.000 rows) contains 4 columns:

Postal, Number, Houseletter, livingspace

The second file(7.000 rows) contains 4 columns:

Postal, Number, Houseletter, Furniturevalue

In my first file I have all the livingspaces from a big area and in my second file I have the Furniturevalue of a couple of adresses in that big area.

I want to add to the adresses in my second file the livingspaces from file 1.

So I imported the files in a database.

Table first file -> Space
Table second file -> Furniture

Now i'm trying to make Primary keys to the tables:

Primary key --> Postal, Number, Houseletter

But this doesn't work, because the columns are only unique when Postal+Number+Houseletter, but not apart from each other.

Does anyone know the next step? What do I have to do to make this query work:

SELECT postal, number, houseletter, furniturevalue, livingspace
FROM space, furniture
WHERE ( space.postal = furniture.postal
AND     space.number = furniture.number
AND     space.houseletter = furniture.houseletter)

Im trying to make with this query a new view with `postal, number, houseletter, furniturevalue, livingspace' So data from two tables. But first I need a solution for my problem with the primary key.

Thanks for your help!

ps: Im using sql in phpmyadmin

  • what do you mean by Primary key --> Postal, Number, Houseletter did you try to make three primary keys or a composed primary key using the three columns ? Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:03
  • Did you try creating composite primary keys? And do you get any errors when you run your SQL?
    – rs.
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:03
  • You should realize what you are doing is the opposite of a 'best practice'. Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:06
  • No I just wanted to let you guys know that that are my primary keys.
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:09

4 Answers 4

ALTER TABLE space ADD PRIMARY KEY(Postal, Number, Houseletter);

If a primary key already exists then you want to do this:

ALTER TABLE space DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(Postal, Number, Houseletter);

if you got duplicate PKs, you can try this:

ALTER IGNORE TABLE space ADD UNIQUE INDEX idx_name (Postal, Number, Houseletter );

This will drop all the duplicate rows. As an added benefit, future INSERTs that are duplicates will error out. As always, you may want to take a backup before running something like this

Second question, your query should look like this :

SELECT postal, number, houseletter, furniturevalue, livingspace
FROM space INNER JOIN furniture
ON ( space.postal = furniture.postal
AND     space.number = furniture.number
AND     space.houseletter = furniture.houseletter)
  • thanks! I did the first query but I got an error that some rows are double.. But Do you know to delete double rows?
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:11
  • Thanks I will try, I let you know!
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:21
  • Can you invite me for a chat? I have a view questions!
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:37
  • What do I have to type here? 'idx_name'
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:39
  • I got an error when quering this: ALTER IGNORE TABLE space ADD UNIQUE INDEX idx_name (Postal, Number, Houseletter ); My error is: #1062 - Duplicate entry '1391BR-19-' for key 'Adres_index'
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:43

You can use group by to create a unique row per (postal, number, houseletter) combination. An aggregate calculates the value of livingspace for that group. This example picks the highest livingspace with the max() aggregate:

select  coalesce(space.postal, furniture.postal) as postal
,       coalesce(space.number, furniture.number) as number
,       coalesce(space.houseletter, furniture.houseletter) as houseletter
,       max(furniture.furniturevalue) as furniturevalue
,       max(space.livingspace) as livingspace
from    space
full outer join
on      space.postal = furniture.postal
        and space.number = furniture.number
        and space.houseletter = furniture.houseletter
group by
        coalesce(space.postal, furniture.postal)
,       coalesce(space.number, furniture.number)
,       coalesce(space.houseletter, furniture.houseletter)
  • Thanks I will try and let you know!
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:29
  • I got this, when adding the primary keys: #1062 - Duplicate entry '1391BR-19-' for key 'Adres_index'
    – warnerst
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 16:41
ADD CONSTRAINT <constraintName> PRIMARY KEY (colA, colB, ..., colN)

Something like this might work. You can use concat() to combine the columns together.

select (concat(s.Postal,' ',s.Number,' ',s.Houseletter)) as s.address,(concat(f.Postal,' ',f.Number,' ',f.Houseletter)) as f.address,s.*,f.* from space s,furniture f where s.address=f.address;

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