I got for you today a simple problem that already took me part of the day with no real achievement. I'm trying to format a number to display as a currency. There's many ways to do that, I think I've done most of 'em.

So here's the problem: I'm adding multiple number which can be positive and negative, I can't know. When I'm formatting at the end using TextBox.Text = Format(variable, "C"), I got the right format for positive numbers (which is per example 123 456,00 $, I live in Canada) and I have (123 456,00 $) for negative ones. I would prefer to have the "-" symbol at the beginning.

I searched the web to find other ways to do that, per example : FormatCurrency("-123 456", 2, TriState.True, TriState.False). That way I'm able to get rid of the parentheses but the "-" is AFTER the number (123 456,00 $-).

Next one: SpecificCulture. so here I have NegativeValueHere.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fr-CA")) . With that I'm back at the beginning with my parentheses with (123 456,00 $). Note here that my application is running with culture set to ("fr-CA") since that's where I live.

I tried one more but can't remember what it was.However the "$" was in front of the number like $-123 456,00.

Note: I'm running on VB.Net, and the number has to be formatted to be put in a readonly TextBox.

  • you want to get a value displayed as "-$123 456,00" instead of "$-123 456,00", is that correct?
    – Csharp
    Mar 29, 2013 at 19:33
  • Nah I want the $ symbol after the number. But the answer from nkvu fits my needs. Thanks for awsering.
    – Simon
    Mar 29, 2013 at 19:58

2 Answers 2


You can create your own culture with a custom pattern for negative currency values. Take a look at the MSDN library article for NumberFormatInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern. For example:

Imports System.Globalization

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim simon = DirectCast(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-CA").Clone, CultureInfo)
        simon.NumberFormat.CurrencyNegativePattern = 1
        Dim test = -1234.567
        Console.WriteLine(test.ToString("C", simon))
    End Sub
End Module

Output: -$1 234,57

  • Thanks for the tip, @Hans. I was not aware of that.
    – Csharp
    Mar 29, 2013 at 20:02

This seems to work for me:

Sub Main()
    Dim value As Decimal = -123.45
    Dim positiveValue As Decimal = 123.45
    Dim customCurrencyInfo As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("fr-CA")

    customCurrencyInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencyNegativePattern = 8

    Dim formatString As String = value.ToString("C", customCurrencyInfo)
    Dim formatStringPositive As String = positiveValue.ToString("C", customCurrencyInfo)

    Console.WriteLine(formatString) '-123,45 $
    Console.WriteLine(formatStringPositive) '123,45 $

End Sub

You can get the different pattern values for NumberFormat.CurrencyNegativePattern from this link.

Sorry if I'm off track

  • Nah that totally works. I only tried the NumberFormat.CurrencyNegativePattern on DataGridView's column and it didn't work right away with TextBox so I didn't go any further. The pattern number 8 is the one I needed. Thank you.
    – Simon
    Mar 29, 2013 at 19:56
  • hey hey. what about if we want to get the other countries format? @nkvu? where could we get the complete list if let say i want to use malaysian format / any other asian currency format?
    – gumuruh
    Apr 29, 2014 at 1:42
  • @gumuruh Run the test program provided in the link from the answer.
    – mbomb007
    Aug 17, 2016 at 13:58

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