
I have a jQuery script to hide an element if it does not contain a certain element:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $("div.main div p").not(":has(span)").css("display","none");

<div class="main">
        <p>Hello <span>OK</span></p>

This script would hide the <p>Hi</p> and the <p>Yo</p> text.

How can I check if the divs under div.main contain no <p> elements containing <span>, or another way: if all <p> elements under a div are set to display:none?... And set those divs to display:none.

So the HTML output would be:

    <p>Hello <span>OK</span></p>
    <p style="display:none">Hi</p>
<div style="display:none">
    <p style="display:none">Yo</p>

2 Answers 2


I think you can do it more simply:

$("div.main div p:not(:has(span)), div.main div:not(:has(p>span))").hide();

jsFiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/pdBbU/1/


One way would be to loop through the divs and check if they contain any p elements with spans. Something like the following would work:

$("div.main div").each(function(){
  if($(this).find("p:has(span)").length == 0){

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