This question is a continuation of this one. I think that STL misses this functionality, but it just my IMHO.

Consider following code:

class Foo
    int paramA, paramB;
    std::string name;

struct Sorter
    bool operator()(const Foo &foo1, const Foo &foo2) const
         switch( paramSorter )
             case 1:
                 return foo1.paramA < foo2.paramA;
             case 2:
                 return foo1.paramB < foo2.paramB;
                 return foo1.name < foo2.name;

    int paramSorter;

int main()
    std::vector<Foo> foo;
    Sorter sorter;
    sorter.paramSorter = 0;
        // fill the vector
    std::sort( foo.begin(), foo.end(), sorter );

At any given moment of time the vector can be re-sorted. The class also have the getter methods which are used in the sorter structure.

What would be the most efficient way to insert a new element in the vector?

Situation I have is:

I have a grid (spreadsheet), that uses the sorted vector of a class. At any given time the vector can be re-sorted and the grid will display the sorted data accordingly.

Now I will need to insert a new element in the vector/grid. I can insert, then re-sort and then re-display the whole grid, but this is very inefficient especially for the big grid.

Any help?

  • I think you should use set, if you don't have duplicates. Or std::list otherwise. Vector doesn't seem fit for something that needs to be sorted frequently.
    – user995502
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:09
  • std::set is based on red-black tree, with reinsert complexity of O(logn). You might want to consider related tree structure for this insert into sorted array problem, like rb-tree, avl-tree and etc. Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:51
  • @stardust_ sorting is fine, I think that main drawback is insertion when it leads to shift of elements and especially when it leads to the memory reallocation. Good choice will be dequeue - as it consolidates all good traits of vector(search) and list(insert), all depends on data properties and operations with it.
    – spin_eight
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 22:43

7 Answers 7


The simple answer to the question:

template< typename T >
typename std::vector<T>::iterator 
   insert_sorted( std::vector<T> & vec, T const& item )
    return vec.insert
            std::upper_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), item ),

Version with a predicate.

template< typename T, typename Pred >
typename std::vector<T>::iterator
    insert_sorted( std::vector<T> & vec, T const& item, Pred pred )
    return vec.insert
           std::upper_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), item, pred ),

Where Pred is a strictly-ordered predicate on type T.

For this to work the input vector must already be sorted on this predicate.

The complexity of doing this is O(log N) for the upper_bound search (finding where to insert) but up to O(N) for the insert itself.

For a better complexity you could use std::set<T> if there are not going to be any duplicates or std::multiset<T> if there may be duplicates. These will retain a sorted order for you automatically and you can specify your own predicate on these too.

There are various other things you could do which are more complex, e.g. manage a vector and a set / multiset / sorted vector of newly added items then merge these in when there are enough of them. Any kind of iterating through your collection will need to run through both collections.

Using a second vector has the advantage of keeping your data compact. Here your "newly added" items vector will be relatively small so the insertion time will be O(M) where M is the size of this vector and might be more feasible than the O(N) of inserting in the big vector every time. The merge would be O(N+M) which is better than O(NM) it would be inserting one at a time, so in total it would be O(N+M) + O(M²) to insert M elements then merge.

You would probably keep the insertion vector at its capacity too, so as you grow that you will not be doing any reallocations, just moving of elements.

  • 21
    Note that logically there is no difference between using lower_bound and upper_bound as it only makes a difference when the element you are inserting already exists. If it does, upper_bound is slightly better because you are inserting it nearer the back which means shifting fewer elements.
    – CashCow
    Commented Feb 9, 2015 at 10:59
  • To be added (beyond original question): This applies for std::vector, for std::list it's just inverse...
    – Aconcagua
    Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 10:28

If you need to keep the vector sorted all the time, first you might consider whether using std::set or std::multiset won't simplify your code.

If you really need a sorted vector and want to quickly insert an element into it, but do not want to enforce a sorting criterion to be satisfied all the time, then you can first use std::lower_bound() to find the position in a sorted range where the element should be inserted in logarithmic time, then use the insert() member function of vector to insert the element at that position.

If performance is an issue, consider benchmarking std::list vs std::vector. For small items, std::vector is known to be faster because of a higher cache hit rate, but the insert() operation itself is computationally faster on lists (no need to move elements around).

  • will I be able to re-sort std::set on a different sorting criteria? Especially the one that have non-unique values?
    – Igor
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 23:30
  • @Igor: No, you can't re-sort an std::set based on a different criterion. But you can move the content to a new std::set sorted with a different criterion.
    – Andy Prowl
    Commented Apr 6, 2013 at 10:54
  • 1
    Thank you for this answer. I just googled "insert into sorted vector" and ended up using std::set. Also, a note to your remark concerning performance: std::vector is going to win in almost all cases: Stroustrup: Why you should avoid linked lists?
    – user529758
    Commented Dec 7, 2013 at 20:36
  • 3
    It should also be noted that both set and multiset does not invalidate references and iterators when inserting elements, vector might. Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 11:02
  • 3
    upper_bound is more appropriate than lower_bound because then you move fewer elements. Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 20:34

Just a note, you can use upper_bound as well depending on your needs. upper_bound will assure new entries that are equivalent to others will appear at the end of their sequence, lower_bound will assure new entries equivalent to others will appear at the beginning of their sequence. Can be useful for certain implementations (maybe classes that can share a "position" but not all of their details!)

Both will assure you that the vector remains sorted according to < result of elements, although inserting into lower_bound will mean moving more elements.


insert 7 @ lower_bound of { 5, 7, 7, 9 } => { 5, *7*, 7, 7, 9 }
insert 7 @ upper_bound of { 5, 7, 7, 9 } => { 5, 7, 7, *7*, 9 }
  • 2
    The speed differences between them depend on whether or not comparison or copy is more expensive and on how big the vector is. The upper/lower_bound functions are O(logN), and the insertion is O(N). Consider this pathological case: insert 0 into { 0, 0, 0, ... /* lots of zeros */, 0 } Commented Dec 10, 2014 at 1:34

Instead of inserting and sorting. You should do a find and then insert

Keep the vector sorted. (sort once). When you have to insert

  1. find the first element that compares as greater to the one you are going to insert.

  2. Do an insert just before that position.

This way the vector stays sorted.

Here is an example of how it goes.

start {} empty vector

insert 1 -> find first greater returns end() = 1 -> insert at 1 -> {1}
insert 5 -> find first greater returns end() = 2 -> insert at 2 -> {1,5}
insert 3 -> find first greater returns 2 -> insert at 2 -> {1,3,5}
insert 4 -> find first greater returns 3 -> insert at 3 -> {1,3,4,5}
  • 1
    But keep in mind that this is not efficient (both find and insert are O(n) operations). The algorithm in my answer (stackoverflow.com/a/15843629/1413374) is a bit more efficient if there are more greater than lesser elements.
    – Sebastian
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:23
  • 1
    @Sebastian: Actually, you might want to profile that before declaring it so. Efficiency is not entirely bound by algorithmic complexity. Also, finding in this case would be O(log n), since you can use a binary search. Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:26
  • @stardust_, I can't "sort once". My vector can be resorted at any given moment by different class field. If I start with vector sorted by name, the user might sort by paramA or paramB and then insert the new element. Problem is I don't know which sorter will be used.
    – Igor
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:27
  • @Benjamin: That O(log(n)) find is discussed in the comments of my answer. And, yes, asymptotic complexity isn't everything. But it's an important first step.
    – Sebastian
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:28
  • @Igor Actually you don't even have to sort once (if you start with empty vector). The important thing is where you insert. If you insert at the right place always your vector is always sorted. No need to sort it at any point. Think about it.
    – user995502
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:35

When you want to switch between sort orders, you can use multiple index datastructures, each of which you keep in sorted order (probably some kind of balanced tree, like std::map, which maps sort-keys to vector-indices, or std::set to store pointers to youre obects - but with different comparison functions).

Here's a library which does this: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/multi_index/doc/index.html

For every change (insert of new elements or update of keys) you must update all index datastructure, or flag them as invalid.

This works if there are not "too many" sort orders and not "too many" updates of your datastructure. Otherwise - bad luck, you have to re-sort everytime you want to change the order.

In other words: The more indices you need (to speed up lookup operations), the more time you need for update operations. And every index needs memory, of course.

To keep the count of indices small, you could use some query engine which combines the indices of several fields to support more complex sort orders over several fields. Like an SQL query optimizer. But that may be overkill...

Example: If you have two fields, a and b, you can support 4 sort orders:

  1. a
  2. b
  3. first a then b
  4. first b then a

with 2 indices (3. and 4.). With more fields, the possible combinations of sort orders gets big, fast. But you can still use an index which sorts "almost as you want it" and, during the query, sort the remaining fields you couldn't catch with that index, as needed. For sorted output of the whole data, this doesn't help much. But if you only want to lookup some elements, the first "narrowing down" can help much.


Here is one I wrote for simplicity. Horribly slow for large sets but fine for small sets. It sorts as values are added:

void InsertionSortByValue(vector<int> &vec, int val)
    vector<int>::iterator it;

    for (it = vec.begin(); it < vec.end(); it++)
        if (val < *it)
            vec.insert(it, val);


int main()
    vector<int> vec;

    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        InsertionSortByValue(vec, rand()%20);

Here is another I found on some website. It sorts by array:

void InsertionSortFromArray(vector<int> &vec)
    int elem;
    unsigned int i, j, k, index;

    for (i = 1; i < vec.size(); i++)
        elem = vec[i];

        if (elem < vec[i-1])
            for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                if (elem < vec[j])
                    index = j;

                    for (k = i; k > j; k--)
                        vec[k] = vec[k-1];


        vec[index] = elem;

int main()
    vector<int> vec;

    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)


Assuming you really want to use a vector, and the sort criterium or keys don't change (so the order of already inserted elements always stays the same): Insert the element at the end, then move it to the front one step at a time, until the preceeding element isn't bigger.

It can't be done faster (regarding asymptotic complexity, or "big O notation"), because you must move all bigger elements. And that's the reason why STL doesn't provide this - because it's inefficient on vectors, and you shouldn't use them if you need it.

Edit: Another assumption: Comparing the elements is not much more expensive than moving them. See comments.

Edit 2: As my first assumption doesn't hold (you want to change the sort criterium), scrap this answer and see my other one: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15843955/1413374

  • It sounds like a binary search.
    – andre
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:14
  • You could use the binary search to find the position where you want to insert. Doesn't help much, though. You still need O(n) steps to create the gap where you can insert the element. Helps, if moving is cheap and comparing is expensive.
    – Sebastian
    Commented Apr 5, 2013 at 21:16
  • Moving is often a lot cheaper particularly if the elements are ints, and in C++11 even moving objects can be cheap.
    – CashCow
    Commented Feb 10, 2015 at 9:16

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