This question is a continuation of this one. I think that STL misses this functionality, but it just my IMHO.
Consider following code:
class Foo
int paramA, paramB;
std::string name;
struct Sorter
bool operator()(const Foo &foo1, const Foo &foo2) const
switch( paramSorter )
case 1:
return foo1.paramA < foo2.paramA;
case 2:
return foo1.paramB < foo2.paramB;
return <;
int paramSorter;
int main()
std::vector<Foo> foo;
Sorter sorter;
sorter.paramSorter = 0;
// fill the vector
std::sort( foo.begin(), foo.end(), sorter );
At any given moment of time the vector can be re-sorted. The class also have the getter methods which are used in the sorter structure.
What would be the most efficient way to insert a new element in the vector?
Situation I have is:
I have a grid (spreadsheet), that uses the sorted vector of a class. At any given time the vector can be re-sorted and the grid will display the sorted data accordingly.
Now I will need to insert a new element in the vector/grid. I can insert, then re-sort and then re-display the whole grid, but this is very inefficient especially for the big grid.
Any help?
is based on red-black tree, with reinsert complexity of O(logn). You might want to consider related tree structure for thisinsert into sorted array
problem, like rb-tree, avl-tree and etc.