I want the user of the application can change the language in my play2 (play 2.1.1, scala 2.10.1) web application. I use @Messages.get(...) in my templates for i18n.

I have


in application.conf. I pass "en" or "ru" to that method:

def index = Action {

def changeLanguage(lang:String) = Action {
  implicit request =>
    Logger.logger.debug("Change user lang to : " + lang)
    val referrer = request.headers.get(REFERER).getOrElse(HOME_URL)


GET     /                           controllers.Application.index
GET     /index                      controllers.Application.changeLanguage(lang ?= "ru")

the template bunch (views.html.index):

@()(implicit l: Lang)

@import play.i18n.Messages


<a href="/about">@Messages.get("about")</li>


<a href="index?lang=ru" id="ru"></a>
<a href="index?lang=en" id="en"></a>

After redirecting the page, I see it on the same language. :(

I was read many old answers: implicit language parameter in my template does not work, redirect or action with withLang(...) method call too. Did not have a good solution so long time?

  • It should work with the .withLang(...) method. Could you try and change (implicit l: Lang) to (implicit l:play.api.i18n.Lang) and @import play.i18n.Messages to @import play.api.i18n.Messages?
    Apr 9, 2013 at 20:02
  • @EECOLOR, it did not work
    – Tolsi
    Apr 10, 2013 at 7:10

2 Answers 2


I made it work, so there are my changes. In app code (without an request instance play does not know where to get the cookie with the language?):

def index = Action {
 implicit request=>

And in the template (play.api.i18n imports automatically):

@()(implicit l: Lang)


<a href="/about">@Messages("about")</li>


<a href="index?lang=ru" id="ru"></a>
<a href="index?lang=en" id="en"></a>
  • Nice job! Then, here is a more generic solution: you can define you implicit request on every actions with less code. Apr 10, 2013 at 13:34
  • Is it possible to avoid to write the implicit l: Lang part in each template and only define it in the main maybe? Jul 29, 2013 at 20:57

I had the same issue and added my own message-resolution class over the play.i18n one.

For message resolution, you can have a example here (in Java): https://github.com/adericbourg/proto-poll/blob/dev/app/util/user/message/Messages.java#L76

And my controller changeLang's method calls this: https://github.com/adericbourg/proto-poll/blob/dev/app/util/security/CurrentUser.java#L71

It do not believe it is a good solution (it requires more code and I'm a lazy guy) but it works. Hope this can help...

  • I found a simpler solution
    – Tolsi
    Apr 10, 2013 at 7:48

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