Following on somewhat from this question Why cannot this.type be used for new instances . I want to have a this.type object in a constructor. I don't believe that this can be done, however I am hopeful some one here knows a way!
This is my base trait

trait Node {
  def parent:Option[this.type]

and I have implemented a class as follows

case class NodeInstance(parentValue:Option[NodeInstance]) extends Node {
  def parent = parentValue.asInstanceOf[Option[this.type]]

but I would like to have had

case class NodeInstance(parent:Option[NodeInstance]) extends Node

But this gives an overriding method parent has incompatible type exception.

I imagine that I cannot have this as an object that inherited NodeInstance (if it was a class say), would break the this.type requirement. However I thought I would check to see if there exists a better way around this...

now if I use

trait Node[T] { self:T =>
  def parent:Option[T]

And I want a function 'root' which returns the root node, if I embedded it in the trait

trait Node[T] { self:T =>
  def parent:Option[T]
  def root:T = this.parent.map(_.root).getOrElse(this)

Then I get the compiler exception value root is not a member of type Parameter T

If I abstract out root, I then get type parameter issues for T

object Node {
  def root[T <: Node[?]](node:T):T = node.parent.map(root(_)).getOrElse(this)

OK, just discovered I can have [T <: Node[T]]

1 Answer 1


this.type refers to the instance type. Since you are in the constructor there is no way to determine this.type. You will get the error: this can be used only in a class, object, or template.

In these situations it's common to introduce a type parameter and a self type

trait Node[T] { self:T =>
  def parent: Option[T]

case class NodeInstance(parent:Option[NodeInstance]) extends Node[NodeInstance]
  • 1
    It is worth adding that this.type should only be used when we are talking about the very same object, this (e.g., when returning this in a chainable setter), and shouldn't be used to mean “some other object of the same type as this”. Apr 9, 2013 at 13:19
  • In this case say I create a function def getAncestors[T <: Node](node:T):List[T] I then have a recursive type parameter issue
    – J Pullar
    Apr 9, 2013 at 13:26
  • @JPullar what is wrong with def getAncestors[T <: Node[T]](node:T):List[T]?
    Apr 9, 2013 at 13:39

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