I have to make a Lagrange polynomial in Python for a project I'm doing. I'm doing a barycentric style one to avoid using an explicit for-loop as opposed to a Newton's divided difference style one. The problem I have is that I need to catch a division by zero, but Python (or maybe numpy) just makes it a warning instead of a normal exception.
So, what I need to know how to do is to catch this warning as if it were an exception. The related questions to this I found on this site were answered not in the way I needed. Here's my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
class Lagrange:
def __init__(self, xPts, yPts):
self.xPts = np.array(xPts)
self.yPts = np.array(yPts)
self.degree = len(xPts)-1
self.weights = np.array([np.product([x_j - x_i for x_j in xPts if x_j != x_i]) for x_i in xPts])
def __call__(self, x):
bigNumerator = np.product(x - self.xPts)
numerators = np.array([bigNumerator/(x - x_j) for x_j in self.xPts])
return sum(numerators/self.weights*self.yPts)
except Exception, e: # Catch division by 0. Only possible in 'numerators' array
return yPts[np.where(xPts == x)[0][0]]
L = Lagrange([-1,0,1],[1,0,1]) # Creates quadratic poly L(x) = x^2
L(1) # This should catch an error, then return 1.
When this code is executed, the output I get is:
Warning: divide by zero encountered in int_scalars
That's the warning I want to catch. It should occur inside the list comprehension.
Warning: ...
? Trying things likenp.array([1])/0
I getRuntimeWarning: ...
as output.