I want to filter repeated elements in my list for instance

foo = ['a','b','c','a','b','d','a','d']

I am only interested with:


What would be the efficient way to do achieve this ? Cheers

10 Answers 10


list(set(foo)) if you are using Python 2.5 or greater, but that doesn't maintain order.


Cast foo to a set, if you don't care about element order.

  • sri has beaten you by 2 seconds :p
    – Hellnar
    Oct 20, 2009 at 18:15
  • @Helinar: that's not true, fatcat1111 was faster by 1 second Oct 20, 2009 at 18:16
  • yep, i think fatcat1111 was a second faster than me, so you should accept the above answer if helps you equally as mine :-)
    – sc45
    Oct 20, 2009 at 18:25
  • @sri - Your answer offers more information - it shows a code example (however brief) and mentions the 2.5+ requirement.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 0:37
  • There is no "cast". Perhaps you mean "coerce".
    – user166390
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:41

Since there isn't an order-preserving answer with a list comprehension, I propose the following:

>>> temp = set()
>>> [c for c in foo if c not in temp and (temp.add(c) or True)]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

which could also be written as

>>> temp = set()
>>> filter(lambda c: c not in temp and (temp.add(c) or True), foo)
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

Depending on how many elements are in foo, you might have faster results through repeated hash lookups instead of repeated iterative searches through a temporary list.

c not in temp verifies that temp does not have an item c; and the or True part forces c to be emitted to the output list when the item is added to the set.

  • Why store items that have been found already in a hash of Nones instead of a set?
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 0:57
  • Because I didn't think that one through all the way. Oct 21, 2009 at 1:12
>>> bar = []
>>> for i in foo:
    if i not in bar:

>>> bar
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

this would be the most straightforward way of removing duplicates from the list and preserving the order as much as possible (even though "order" here is inherently wrong concept).

  • 3
    Should at least mention the O(n^2) performance characteristic, no? Oct 20, 2009 at 18:33
  • @SilentGhost - What's k there? Is it a constant (i.e. not part of Big-O notation) or is it some other factor?
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 0:36
  • I don't think it's O(n^2). It may be O(not very good), but it's not that bad.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:49
  • @Chris - I believe Triptych and hughdbrown are pointing out the append operation on bar is likely not constant time (a quick but unmotivated docs.python.org check didn't find much). And I do think SilentGhost meant a constant.
    – pbh101
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:50
  • 1
    Never mind. I totally missed the membership test in the if statement the first seven or so times I read the function. Yep, O(n^2).
    – pbh101
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:55

If you care about order a readable way is the following

def filter_unique(a_list):
    characters = set()
    result = []
    for c in a_list:
        if not c in characters:
    return result

Depending on your requirements of speed, maintanability, space consumption, you could find the above unfitting. In that case, specify your requirements and we can try to do better :-)

  • +1 Your answer inspired me to create a class that allows using the built-in filter() to do the same thing. So thanks for the inspiration.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 1:01
  • @Chris: My pleasure :-) I thought that using filter would have been slightly more advanced and so went for a very simple solution. If you like filter consider using the (excellent) module itertools and in particular itertools.ifilter and itertools.ifilterfalse
    – Francesco
    Oct 21, 2009 at 7:49

If you write a function to do this i would use a generator, it just wants to be used in this case.

def unique(iterable):
    yielded = set()
    for item in iterable:
        if item not in yielded:
            yield item

Inspired by Francesco's answer, rather than making our own filter()-type function, let's make the builtin do some work for us:

def unique(a, s=set()):
    if a not in s:
        return True
    return False


uniq = filter(unique, orig)

This may or may not perform faster or slower than an answer that implements all of the work in pure Python. Benchmark and see. Of course, this only works once, but it demonstrates the concept. The ideal solution is, of course, to use a class:

class Unique(set):
    def __call__(self, a):
        if a not in self:
            return True
        return False

Now we can use it as much as we want:

uniq = filter(Unique(), orig)

Once again, we may (or may not) have thrown performance out the window - the gains of using a built-in function may be offset by the overhead of a class. I just though it was an interesting idea.

  • What happens if you run this twice? uniq = filter(Unique(), range(10)); print uniq
    – hughdbrown
    Oct 21, 2009 at 5:40
  • Actually, I meant if you run this twice: uniq = filter(unique, range(10)); print uniq
    – hughdbrown
    Oct 21, 2009 at 5:56
  • The unique version only works once. Running it a second time on the same data will produce no data, because the function only has one set (the second argument). Running it twice on different data can produce unexpected results, as it will weed out the overlap of the two data sets as well as the duplicates of the second set. The function was my first version, and its limitations led me to create the class version, which suffers no such problems (and is also more generally useful). The function version was shown as a thought-process thing, nothing more.
    – Chris Lutz
    Oct 21, 2009 at 6:10

This is what you want if you need a sorted list at the end:

>>> foo = ['a','b','c','a','b','d','a','d']
>>> bar = sorted(set(foo))
>>> bar
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
  • list comprehension is redundant. could just say: bar = sorted(set(foo))
    – recursive
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:20
  • Nice answer -- answers the question directly (although not entirely honestly IMOHO) which has output in natural ordering. +1.
    – user166390
    Oct 21, 2009 at 4:46
  • @pst: Not entirely honestly? Like I am trying to pull something over on you? Or...what? I don't get where the OP asked for a stable sort, so I just sorted them because it looked like that was a requirement. @recursive: good call. I'll edit that.
    – hughdbrown
    Oct 21, 2009 at 5:32
import numpy as np

You could do a sort of ugly list comprehension hack.

[l[i] for i in range(len(l)) if l.index(l[i]) == i]

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