I'm looking to be able to run a single query on a remote server in a scripted task.

For example, intuitively, I would imagine it would go something like:

mysql -uroot -p -hslavedb.mydomain.com mydb_production "select * from users;"

7 Answers 7

mysql -u <user> -p -e 'select * from schema.table'

(Note the use of single quotes rather than double quotes, to avoid the shell expanding the * into filenames)

  • 3
    C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin>mysql.exe -u root -p -e "my query"---->ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    – Dr.jacky
    Commented Mar 12, 2017 at 11:38
  • 3
    This should be the first result in a google search (for "mysql exec sql from command line") and not the huge mysql site! Commented Apr 4, 2017 at 17:48
  • 5
    Also, if you want to strip the header and table format you can use mysql -u <user> -p -B --disable-column-names -e 'select * from schema.table'
    – dvlcube
    Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 18:40
  • 2
    @tinybyte Assuming Linux: Insinde doublequotes the asterisk * gets expanded to all files in the current directory, while this expansion does not happen in singlequotes, thats the reason why. Doublequotes will work for quesries without the *.
    – NobbZ
    Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 7:39
  • 5
    @Dr.jacky I'm sure you don't really have the need any more, but for the future, if your root user has no password, dont pass -p option as blank, just dont pass it at all i.e. mysql.exe -u root -e "my query"
    – solidau
    Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 16:29
mysql -uroot -p -hslavedb.mydomain.com mydb_production -e "select * from users;"

From the usage printout:

-e, --execute=name
Execute command and quit. (Disables --force and history file)


here's how you can do it with a cool shell trick:

mysql -uroot -p -hslavedb.mydomain.com mydb_production <<< 'select * from users'

'<<<' instructs the shell to take whatever follows it as stdin, similar to piping from echo.

use the -t flag to enable table-format output


If it's a query you run often, you can store it in a file. Then any time you want to run it:

mysql < thefile

(with all the login and database flags of course)

echo "select * from users;" | mysql -uroot -p -hslavedb.mydomain.com mydb_production

As by the time of the question containerization wasn't that popular, this is how you pass a single query to a dockerized database cluster with Ansible, following @RC.'s answer:

ansible <host | group > -m shell -a "docker exec -it <container_name | container_id> mysql -u<your_user> -p<your_pass> <your_database> -e 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM my_table;'"

If not using Ansible, just login to the server and use docker exec -it ... part.

MySQL will issue a warning that passing credentials in plain text may be insecure, so be aware of your risks.


From the mysql man page:

   You can execute SQL statements in a script file (batch file) like this:

       shell> mysql db_name < script.sql > output.tab

Put the query in script.sql and run it.

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