I have been draging and dropping from Windows Explorer to Eclipse since I've started using it, and now find myself unable to do so. When I drag a .java file over my package, the mouse cursor stays a circle with a diagonal bar through it and dropping does nothing. I have tried to change my workspace, create a fresh new workspace, deleted eclipse and redownloaded it. It still doesn't work. Making Eclipse run as admin doesn't solve the issue either.

6 Answers 6


There are at least two workarounds:

  • Use the menu File -> Import -> General -> File System
  • or use CtrlC in Windows Explorer, CtrlV in the Package Explorer of Eclipse.

I had this issue when Eclipse was running as Administrator. Setting it back just worked.

  • Similar issue I faced and tried with lot of drag and drop API, but DnD not worked for me, remove Eclipse Administrator permission at start, Simply worked for me...Thanks you saved a week for me... Mar 15, 2016 at 2:47
  • drag & drop files into eclipse stopped working yesterday. Unchecked 'Run as Administrator' from the shortcut and now its working again. Thanks!
    – pfuri
    Sep 14, 2016 at 19:47

I figured out it was due to viewing the project in Project Explorer instead of Package Explorer.

Right click on a project > Show in > Package Explorer

You'll be able to drag-drop again at this point.


I faced similar problem when trying to drag-drop image file directly from explored zip. After I extracted the zip, drag-drop worked as expected.


For me it was the missing marketplace client.
It is noticeable when help -> Eclipse Marketplace is missing.
I installed it with help -> Install new Software -> Update Site for 2018-09 -> Eclipse Marketplace


Extract all files from zip folder. It worked for me.

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