I engaged a problem with inherited Controls in Windows Forms and need some advice on it.

I do use a base class for items in a List (selfmade GUI list made of a panel) and some inherited controls that are for each type of data that could be added to the list.

There was no problem with it, but I now found out, that it would be right, to make the base-control an abstract class, since it has methods, that need to be implemented in all inherited controls, called from the code inside the base-control, but must not and can not be implemented in the base class.

When I mark the base-control as abstract, the Visual Studio 2008 Designer refuses to load the window.

Is there a way to get the Designer work with the base-control made abstract?


10 Answers 10


I KNEW there had to be a way to do this (and I found a way to do this cleanly). Sheng's solution is exactly what I came up with as a temporary workaround but after a friend pointed out that the Form class eventually inherited from an abstract class, we SHOULD be able to get this done. If they can do it, we can do it.

We went from this code to the problem

Form1 : Form


public class Form1 : BaseForm
public abstract class BaseForm : Form

This is where the initial question came into play. As said before, a friend pointed out that System.Windows.Forms.Form implements a base class that is abstract. We were able to find...

Proof of a better solution

From this, we knew that it was possible for the designer to show a class that implemented a base abstract class, it just couldn't show a designer class that immediately implemented a base abstract class. There had to be at max 5 inbetween, but we tested 1 layer of abstraction and initially came up with this solution.

Initial Solution

public class Form1 : MiddleClass
public class MiddleClass : BaseForm
public abstract class BaseForm : Form

This actually works and the designer renders it fine, problem solved.... except you have an extra level of inheritance in your production application that was only necessary because of an inadequacy in the winforms designer!

This isn't a 100% surefire solution but its pretty good. Basically you use #if DEBUG to come up with the refined solution.

Refined Solution


public class Form1
    : MiddleClass
    : BaseForm


public class MiddleClass : BaseForm


public abstract class BaseForm : Form

What this does is only use the solution outlined in "initial solution", if it is in debug mode. The idea is that you will never release production mode via a debug build and that you will always design in debug mode.

The designer will always run against the code built in the current mode, so you cannot use the designer in release mode. However, as long as you design in debug mode and release the code built in release mode, you are good to go.

The only surefire solution would be if you can test for design mode via a preprocessor directive.

  • 3
    Do your form and the abstract base class have a no-arg constructor ? Cause that's all we had to add to get the designer working to show a form that inherited from an abstract form.
    – nos
    Commented Jul 29, 2010 at 9:05
  • Worked great! I figure I'll just make the modifications I needed to to the various classes implementing the abstract one, then remove the temp middle class again, and if I ever need to make more modifications later, I can add it back. The workaround did, indeed, work. Thanks!
    – neminem
    Commented Feb 7, 2011 at 17:37
  • 1
    Your solution works great. I just can't believe Visual Studio requires you to jump through such hoops to do something so common. Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 16:32
  • 1
    But if I use a middleClass which is not an abstract class, then whoever inherits the middleClass does not have to implement the abstract method any more, this defeats the very purpose of using abstract class in the first place... How to resolve this?
    – Darius
    Commented Aug 29, 2019 at 6:59
  • 1
    @ti034 I couldn't find any workaround. So I just make the supposedly abstract functions from the middleClass have some default values that can easily remind me to override them, without having the compiler to throw error. For example, if the supposedly abstract method is to return the title of the page, then I will make it return a string "Please change the title".
    – Darius
    Commented Sep 12, 2019 at 7:56

@smelch, There is a better solution, without having to create a middle control, even for debug.

What we want

First, let's define the final class and the base abstract class.

public class MyControl : AbstractControl
public abstract class AbstractControl : UserControl // Also works for Form

Now all we need is a Description provider.

public class AbstractControlDescriptionProvider<TAbstract, TBase> : TypeDescriptionProvider
    public AbstractControlDescriptionProvider()
        : base(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(typeof(TAbstract)))

    public override Type GetReflectionType(Type objectType, object instance)
        if (objectType == typeof(TAbstract))
            return typeof(TBase);

        return base.GetReflectionType(objectType, instance);

    public override object CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type objectType, Type[] argTypes, object[] args)
        if (objectType == typeof(TAbstract))
            objectType = typeof(TBase);

        return base.CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args);

Finally we just apply a TypeDescriptionProvider attribute to the Abastract control.

[TypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(AbstractControlDescriptionProvider<AbstractControl, UserControl>))]
public abstract class AbstractControl : UserControl

And that's it. No middle control required.

And the provider class can be applied to as many Abstract bases as we want in the same solution.

*** EDIT *** Also the following is needed in the app.config

    <add key="EnableOptimizedDesignerReloading" value="false" />

Thanks @user3057544 for the suggestion.

Also note that adding an XML doc comment header (lines starting with ///) to the AbstractControlDescriptionProvider class breaks Designer in VS 2022, in the same manner as not using the attribute tag at all.

  • 1
    This did also work for me that i am using CF 3.5 there is no TypeDescriptionProvider Commented Jan 24, 2014 at 9:26
  • 4
    Couldn't get this to work in VS 2010, though smelch's did work. Anyone know why?
    – RobC
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 17:34
  • 6
    @RobC Designer is kind of grumpy for some reason. I found that after implementing this fix I had to clean the solution, close & re-launch VS2010, and rebuild; then it would let me design the subclass. Commented Jan 13, 2015 at 21:49
  • 4
    It's worth noting that because this fix substitutes an instance of the base class for the abstract class, visual elements added in the Designer for the abstract class will not be available when designing the subclasses. Commented Jan 13, 2015 at 21:51
  • 1
    This worked for me, but I first had to restart VS 2013 after building the project. @ObliviousSage - Thanks for the heads-up; in my current case at least this isn't an issue but still it's a good one to watch out for.
    – InteXX
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 7:55

@Smelch, thanks for the helpful answer, as I was running into the same issue recently.

Following is a minor change to your post to prevent compilation warnings (by putting the base class within the #if DEBUG pre-processor directive):

public class Form1
#if DEBUG  
 : MiddleClass 
 : BaseForm 

I've got some tips for people who say the TypeDescriptionProvider by Juan Carlos Diaz is not working and don't like the conditional compilation neither:

First of all, you may have to restart Visual Studio for the changes in your code to work in the form designer (I had to, simple rebuild didn't work - or not every time).

I will present my solution of this problem for the case of abstract base Form. Let's say you have a BaseForm class and you want any forms based on it to be designable (this will be Form1). The TypeDescriptionProvider as presented by Juan Carlos Diaz didn't work for me also. Here is how I made it work, by joining it with the MiddleClass solution (by smelch), but without the #if DEBUG conditional compiling and with some corrections:

[TypeDescriptionProvider(typeof(AbstractControlDescriptionProvider<BaseForm, BaseFormMiddle2>))]   // BaseFormMiddle2 explained below
public abstract class BaseForm : Form
    public BaseForm()

    public abstract void SomeAbstractMethod();

public class Form1 : BaseForm   // Form1 is the form to be designed. As you see it's clean and you do NOTHING special here (only the the normal abstract method(s) implementation!). The developer of such form(s) doesn't have to know anything about the abstract base form problem. He just writes his form as usual.
    public Form1()

    public override void SomeAbstractMethod()
        // implementation of BaseForm's abstract method

Notice the attribute on the BaseForm class. Then you just have to declare the TypeDescriptionProvider and two middle classes, but don't worry, they are invisible and irrelevant for the developer of Form1. The first one implements the abstract members (and makes the base class non abstract). The second one is empty - it's just required for the VS form designer to work. Then you assign the second middle class to the TypeDescriptionProvider of BaseForm. No conditional compilation.

I was having two more problems:

  • Problem 1: After changing Form1 in designer (or some code) it was giving the error again (when trying to open it in designer again).
  • Problem 2: BaseForm's controls was placed incorrectly when the Form1's size was changed in designer and the form was closed and reopened again in the form designer.

The first problem (you may not have it because it's something that haunts me in my project in few another places and usually produces a "Can't convert type X to type X" exception). I solved it in the TypeDescriptionProvider by comparing the type names (FullName) instead of comparing the types (see below).

The second problem. I don't really know why the base form's controls are not designable in Form1 class and their positions are lost after resize, but I've worked it around (not a nice solution - if you know any better, please write). I just manually move the BaseForm's buttons (which should be in bottom-right corner) to their correct positions in a method invoked asynchronously from Load event of the BaseForm: BeginInvoke(new Action(CorrectLayout)); My base class has only the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, so the case is simple.

class BaseFormMiddle1 : BaseForm
    protected BaseFormMiddle1()

    public override void SomeAbstractMethod()
        throw new NotImplementedException();  // this method will never be called in design mode anyway

class BaseFormMiddle2 : BaseFormMiddle1  // empty class, just to make the VS designer working

And here you have the slightly modified version of TypeDescriptionProvider:

public class AbstractControlDescriptionProvider<TAbstract, TBase> : TypeDescriptionProvider
    public AbstractControlDescriptionProvider()
        : base(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(typeof(TAbstract)))

    public override Type GetReflectionType(Type objectType, object instance)
        if (objectType.FullName == typeof(TAbstract).FullName)  // corrected condition here (original condition was incorrectly giving false in my case sometimes)
            return typeof(TBase);

        return base.GetReflectionType(objectType, instance);

    public override object CreateInstance(IServiceProvider provider, Type objectType, Type[] argTypes, object[] args)
        if (objectType.FullName == typeof(TAbstract).FullName)  // corrected condition here (original condition was incorrectly giving false in my case sometimes)
            objectType = typeof(TBase);

        return base.CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args);

And that's it!

You don't have to explain anything to the future developers of forms based on your BaseForm and they don't have to do any tricks to design their forms! I think it's the most clean solution it can be (except for the controls repositioning).

One more tip:

If for some reason the designer still refuses to work for you, you can always do the simple trick of changing the public class Form1 : BaseForm to public class Form1 : BaseFormMiddle1 (or BaseFormMiddle2) in the code file, editing it in the VS form designer and then changing it back again. I prefer this trick over the conditional compilation because it's less likely to forget and release the wrong version.

  • 1
    This solved the issue I was having with Juan's solution in VS 2013; on restarting VS the controls load consistently now. Commented May 15, 2015 at 9:30

I had a similar problem but found a way to refactor things to use an interface in place of an abstract base class:

interface Base {....}

public class MyUserControl<T> : UserControl, Base
     where T : /constraint/
{ ... }

This may not be applicable to every situation, but when possible it results in a cleaner solution than conditional compilation.

  • 1
    Could you provide a little more complete code sample? I'm trying to understand your design better and I also will be translating it to VB. Thanks.
    – InteXX
    Commented Feb 27, 2015 at 6:42
  • I know this is old but I found this was the least hacky solution. Since I still wanted my interface tied to the UserControl, I added a UserControl property to the interface and referenced that whenever I needed to directly access it. In my interface implementations, I extend UserControl and set the UserControl property to this
    – chanban
    Commented May 6, 2020 at 1:29

I'm using the solution in this answer to another question, which links this article. The article recommends using a custom TypeDescriptionProvider and concrete implementation of the abstract class. The designer will ask the custom provider which types to use, and your code can return the concrete class so that the designer is happy while you have complete control over how the abstract class appears as a concrete class.

Update: I included a documented code sample in my answer to that other question. The code there does work, but sometimes I have to go through a clean/build cycle as noted in my answer to get it to work.


I have a tip for Juan Carlos Diaz solution. It works great for me, but was some problem with it. When I start VS and enter designer everything works fine. But after run the solution, then stop and exit it and then try to enter designer the exception appears again and again until restarting VS. But I found the solution for it - everything to do is add below to your app.config

   <add key="EnableOptimizedDesignerReloading" value="false" />

Since the abstract class public abstract class BaseForm: Form gives an error and avoid the use of the designer, I came with the use of virtual members. Basically, instead of declaring abstract methods, I declared virtual methods with the minimum body as possible. Here's what I've done :

public class DataForm : Form {
    protected virtual void displayFields() {}

public partial class Form1 : DataForm {
    protected override void displayFields() { /* Do the stuff needed for Form1. */ }

public partial class Form2 : DataForm {
    protected override void displayFields() { /* Do the stuff needed for Form2. */ }

/* Do this for all classes that inherit from DataForm. */

Since DataForm was supposed to be an abstract class with the abstract member displayFields, I "fake" this behavior with virtual members to avoid the abstraction. The designer doesn't complain anymore and everything works fine for me.

It's a workaround more readable, but since it's not abstract, I have to make sure that all child classes of DataForm have their implementation of displayFields. Thus, be careful when using this technique.

  • This is what I went with. I just threw NotImplementedException in the base class to make the error obvious if it's forgotten. Commented Sep 16, 2015 at 3:33

The Windows Forms Designer is creating an instance of the base class of your form/control and applies the parse result of InitializeComponent. That's why you can design the form created by the project wizard without even building the project. Because of this behavior you also can not design a control derived from an abstract class.

You can implement those abstract methods and throw an exception when it is not running in the designer. The programmer who derive from the control must provide an implementation that does not call your base class implementation. Otherwise the program would crash.

  • pity, but thats how it is done yet. Hoped of a correct way to do this. Commented Oct 25, 2009 at 18:14
  • There is a better way, see Smelch's answer
    – Allen Rice
    Commented Mar 9, 2010 at 3:43

You could just conditionally compile in the abstract keyword without interposing a separate class:

  // Visual Studio 2008 designer complains when a form inherits from an 
  // abstract base class
  public class BaseForm: Form {
  // For production do it the *RIGHT* way.
  public abstract class BaseForm: Form {

    // Body of BaseForm goes here

This works provided that BaseForm doesn't have any abstract methods (the abstract keyword therefore only prevents the runtime instantiation of the class).

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