I am creating a script where I am querying a table using the IN keyword. When I type the data inside the IN clause, the query performs as i should. But when I create a variable with the exact same data in it and use the variable inside the IN clause, it does not. Any Ideas???
Here is the query that works
FROM scpcommandeventlog
AND PARAM1 IN('11416407','11416410','11416413','11416417',
here is the query that doesn't
SELECT * FROM scpcommandeventlog WHERE MESSAGEid = 3 AND PARAM1 IN(@list)
Here is the query that populates the @list variable
DECLARE @List varchar(max)
SELECT @List = isnull(@List + ',', '') + '''' + cast(itemid as varchar) + ''''
FROM dbo.ItemList
WHERE sortid LIKE @sortid
WHERE PARAM1 = '11416407,11416410'...