I'd like to try the plugin for Vim linked below. It adds syntax highlighting for .haml and (perhaps) .sass files.


I did this...

$ cd ~/.vim
$ git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-haml.git

I opened a .haml file in Vim, but there's no highlighting. There must be another step I need to perform.


5 Answers 5


Make sure that the actual .vim file is in ~/.vim/plugin/

  • Yes, I guess this one solves most of users' questions. Commented Mar 23, 2014 at 1:17
  • Or in any subdirectory under ~/.vim/plugin/? Commented Jul 31, 2014 at 8:41
  • To be clear: when you say ~/.vim, you mean wherever vim is installed, right? The place stored in $VIM (i.e. if you :echom $VIM, that's the place)
    – anon
    Commented Nov 19, 2015 at 23:11
  • @QPaysTaxes on my system :echom $VIM shows /usr/share/vim. But this answer uses the prefix ~ to suggests installing plugins in the user's home directory. Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 10:04

Those two commands will create a ~/.vim/vim-haml/ directory with the ftplugin, syntax, etc directories in it. Those directories need to be immediately in the ~/.vim directory proper or ~/.vim/vim-haml needs to be added to the list of paths that vim searches for plugins.


I recently decided to tweak my vim config and in the process wound up writing the following rakefile. It only works on Mac/Linux, but the advantage over cp versions is that it's completely safe (symlinks don't overwrite existing files, uninstall only deletes symlinks) and easy to keep things updated.

# Easily install vim plugins from a source control checkout (e.g. Github)
# alias vim-install=rake -f ~/.vim/rakefile-vim-install
# vim-install
# vim-install uninstall

require 'ftools'
require 'fileutils'

task :default => :install
desc "Install a vim plugin the lazy way"
task :install do
  vim_dir      = File.expand_path("~/.vim")
  plugin_dir   = Dir.pwd

  if not (FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,".git") or
          FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,".svn") or
          FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,".hg"))
      puts "#{plugin_dir} isn't a source controlled directory. Aborting."
      exit 1

  Dir['**/'].each do |d|
    FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(vim_dir, d)

  Dir["**/*.{txt,snippet,snippets,vim,js,wsf}"].each do |f|
    ln File.join(plugin_dir, f), File.join(vim_dir,f)

  boldred = "\033[1;31m"
  clear = "\033[0m"
  puts "\nDone. Remember to #{boldred}:helptags ~/.vim/doc#{clear}"

task :uninstall do
  vim_dir      = File.expand_path("~/.vim")
  plugin_dir   = Dir.pwd
  Dir["**/*.{txt,snippet,snippets,vim}"].each do |f|
    safe_rm File.join(vim_dir, f)

def nicename(path)
    boldgreen = "\033[1;32m"
    clear = "\033[0m"
    return "#{boldgreen}#{File.join(path.split('/')[-2..-1])}#{clear}\t"

def ln(src, dst)
        FileUtils.ln_s src, dst
        puts "    Symlink #{nicename src}\t => #{nicename dst}"
    rescue Errno::EEXIST
        puts "  #{nicename dst} exists! Skipping."

def cp(src, dst)
  puts "    Copying #{nicename src}\t=> #{nicename dst}"
  FileUtils.cp src, dst

def safe_rm(target)
    if FileTest.exists? target and FileTest.symlink? target
        puts "    #{nicename target} removed."
        File.delete target
        puts "  #{nicename target} is not a symlink. Skipping"

To expand on Karl's reply, Vim looks in a specific set of directories for its runtime files. You can see that set of directories via :set runtimepath?. In order to tell Vim to also look inside ~/.vim/vim-haml you'll want to add

set runtimepath+=$HOME/.vim/vim-haml

to your ~/.vimrc. You'll likely also want the following in your ~/.vimrc to enable all the functionality provided by vim-haml.

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

You can refer to the 'runtimepath' and :filetype help topics in Vim for more information.

  • 1
    Is is "syntax on" or ":syntax on"? Likewise with "filetype"/":filtype".
    – Ethan
    Commented Oct 29, 2009 at 20:21
  • 4
    When you type them interactively, you need the ':' to enter cmdline mode. In a script, they aren't needed because the script is in cmdline mode, so to speak. Because of that, it's standard practice to omit the ':'s in scripts as all it does is add unnecessary clutter.
    – jamessan
    Commented Oct 29, 2009 at 21:05

I think you should have a look at the Pathogen plugin. After you have this installed, you can keep all of your plugins in separate folders in ~/.vim/bundle/, and Pathogen will take care of loading them.

Or, alternatively, perhaps you would prefer Vundle, which provides similar functionality (with the added bonus of automatic updates from plugins in github).


Update (as 2019):

cd ~/.vim
git clone git://github.com/tpope/vim-haml.git pack/bundle/start/haml

Explanation (from :h pack ad :h packages):

  1. All the directories found are added to runtimepath. They must be in ~/.vim/pack/whatever/start [you can only change whatever].
  2. the plugins found in the plugins dir in runtimepath are sourced.

So this load the plugin on start (hence the name start).

You can also get optional plugin (loaded with :packadd) if you put them in ~/.vim/pack/bundle/opt

  • 1
    Detailed explanations would go a long way, but this is my preferred method, so have an upvote Commented Dec 15, 2019 at 14:36

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