I would like to select some numbers in a MATLAB matrix which have values greater than 4 and set them equal to zero.

For example:

A=[5 6 1 3 4 9 2 8 3];

Now, replace all values greater than 4 with zeros and store as a new matrix A1:

A1=[0 0 1 3 4 0 2 0 3]; 

1 Answer 1


You might want to try something like this:


Here it is:

>> A=[5 6 1 3 4 9 2 8 3]

A =

     5     6     1     3     4     9     2     8     3

>> A(A>4)=0

A =

     0     0     1     3     4     0     2     0     3
  • yes, thanks a lot :), but I want to have it in a new matrix name such as A1=001340203
    – YSF
    Commented May 7, 2013 at 21:10
  • 3
    @YSF A1 = A; A1(A1 > 4) = 0;
    – Praetorian
    Commented May 7, 2013 at 21:16

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