Most answers are in a decorator fashion. But maybe I don't want to cache the result every time when calling the function.
I made one solution using context manager, so the function can be called as
with DiskCacher('cache_id', myfunc) as myfunc2:
when you need the caching functionality.
The 'cache_id' string is used to distinguish data files, which are named [calling_script]_[cache_id].dat
. So if you are doing this in a loop, will need to incorporate the looping variable into this cache_id
, otherwise data will be overwritten.
Alternatively (this is probably not quite useful as the same id is used all time time):
def myfunc(*args):
The complete code with examples (I'm using pickle
to save/load, but can be changed to whatever save/read methods. NOTE that this is also assuming the function in question returns only 1 return value):
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, os
import functools
def formFilename(folder, varid):
'''Compose abspath for cache file
folder (str): cache folder path.
varid (str): variable id to form file name and used as variable id.
abpath (str): abspath for cache file, which is using the <folder>
as folder. The file name is the format:
name='[%s]_[%s].nc' %(script_file, varid)
abpath=os.path.join(folder, name)
return abpath
def readCache(folder, varid, verbose=True):
'''Read cached data
folder (str): cache folder path.
varid (str): variable id.
Keyword Args:
verbose (bool): whether to print some text info.
results (tuple): a tuple containing data read in from cached file(s).
import pickle
abpath_in=formFilename(folder, varid)
if os.path.exists(abpath_in):
if verbose:
print('\n# <readCache>: Read in variable', varid,
'from disk cache:\n', abpath_in)
with open(abpath_in, 'rb') as fin:
return results
def writeCache(results, folder, varid, verbose=True):
'''Write data to disk cache
results (tuple): a tuple containing data read to cache.
folder (str): cache folder path.
varid (str): variable id.
Keyword Args:
verbose (bool): whether to print some text info.
import pickle
abpath_out=formFilename(folder, varid)
if verbose:
print('\n# <writeCache>: Saving output to:\n',abpath_out)
with open(abpath_out, 'wb') as fout:
pickle.dump(results, fout)
class DiskCacher(object):
def __init__(self, varid, func=None, folder=None, overwrite=False,
'''Disk cache context manager
varid (str): string id used to save cache.
function <func> is assumed to return only 1 return value.
Keyword Args:
func (callable): function object whose return values are to be
folder (str or None): cache folder path. If None, use a default.
overwrite (bool): whether to force a new computation or not.
verbose (bool): whether to print some text info.
if folder is None:
def __enter__(self):
if self.func is None:
raise Exception("Need to provide a callable function to __init__() when used as context manager.")
return _Cache2Disk(self.func, self.varid, self.folder,
self.overwrite, self.verbose)
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def __call__(self, func=None):
_func=func or self.func
return _Cache2Disk(_func, self.varid, self.folder, self.overwrite,
def _Cache2Disk(func, varid, folder, overwrite, verbose):
'''Inner decorator function
func (callable): function object whose return values are to be
varid (str): variable id.
folder (str): cache folder path.
overwrite (bool): whether to force a new computation or not.
verbose (bool): whether to print some text info.
decorated function: if cache exists, the function is <readCache>
which will read cached data from disk. If needs to recompute,
the function is wrapped that the return values are saved to disk
before returning.
def decorator_func(func):
abpath_in=formFilename(folder, varid)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if os.path.exists(abpath_in) and not overwrite:
results=readCache(folder, varid, verbose)
results=func(*args, **kwargs)
if not os.path.exists(folder):
writeCache(results, folder, varid, verbose)
return results
return wrapper
return decorator_func(func)
if __name__=='__main__':
data=range(10) # dummy data
#--------------Use as context manager--------------
def func1(data, n):
'''dummy function'''
results=[i*n for i in data]
return results
print('\n### Context manager, 1st time call')
with DiskCacher('context_mananger', func1) as func1b:
res=func1b(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
print('\n### Context manager, 2nd time call')
with DiskCacher('context_mananger', func1) as func1b:
res=func1b(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
print('\n### Context manager, 3rd time call with overwrite=True')
with DiskCacher('context_mananger', func1, overwrite=True) as func1b:
res=func1b(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
#--------------Return a new function--------------
def func2(data, n):
results=[i*n for i in data]
return results
print('\n### Wrap a new function, 1st time call')
res=func2b(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
print('\n### Wrap a new function, 2nd time call')
res=func2b(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
#----Decorate a function using the syntax sugar----
def func3(data, n):
results=[i*n for i in data]
return results
print('\n### pie decorator, 1st time call')
res=func3(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
print('\n### pie decorator, 2nd time call.')
res=func3(data, 10)
print('res =', res)
The outputs:
### Context manager, 1st time call
# <writeCache>: Saving output to:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### Context manager, 2nd time call
# <readCache>: Read in variable context_mananger from disk cache:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### Context manager, 3rd time call with overwrite=True
# <writeCache>: Saving output to:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### Wrap a new function, 1st time call
# <writeCache>: Saving output to:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### Wrap a new function, 2nd time call
# <readCache>: Read in variable new_func from disk cache:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### pie decorator, 1st time call
# <writeCache>: Saving output to:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
### pie decorator, 2nd time call.
# <readCache>: Read in variable pie_dec from disk cache:
res = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]