
its a plugin for right click menu..... however it has no example usages or illustration or demonstration....

like where can i include additional selector options like top.document, or parent.window.document

      var nid = $(div).attr("id").substring(5);
      window.location.href = "/node/" + nid + "/edit";
  • 1
    There's a usage sample right on the page you linked to: "This example shows a 'Edit' option when you right click on any element that has a class of 'node'" Commented Oct 30, 2009 at 0:46

2 Answers 2


I would recommend looking at some other plugins as they are better documented. For example, this plugin has better docs and examples:



It is pretty simple to use, based on the documentation. Just paste in their sample, and then add in some more menu items, using their code as a template, and see what happens.

If you still have problems then you can ask here, showing the code that is causing you problems.

  • I have a problem, the following code (from conmenu source) prevents context menu actions from excecution: $(document.body).mousedown(function(){ resetMenu(); }); "choices.action" is executed only if I comment this "resetMenu()" out. body.mousedown() is executed before #conmenu.click() and it seems 'click' event never happens.
    – Nishi
    Commented Nov 3, 2010 at 16:53

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