Okay, I think I figured it out. Start by taking a look at the source code for ngRepeat. Notice line 199: This is where we set up watches on the array/object we are repeating over, so that if it or its elements change a digest cycle will be triggered:
$scope.$watchCollection(rhs, function ngRepeatAction(collection){
Now we need to find the definition of $watchCollection
, which begins on line 360 of rootScope.js. This function is passed in our array or object expression, which in our case is hamburgers | ownerGrouping
. On line 365 that string expression is turned into a function using the $parse
service, a function which will be invoked later, and every time this watcher runs:
var objGetter = $parse(obj);
That new function, which will evaluate our filter and get the resulting array, is invoked just a few lines down:
newValue = objGetter(self);
So newValue
holds the result of our filtered data, after groupBy has been applied.
Next scroll down to line 408 and take a look at this code:
// copy the items to oldValue and look for changes.
for (var i = 0; i < newLength; i++) {
if (oldValue[i] !== newValue[i]) {
oldValue[i] = newValue[i];
The first time running, oldValue is just an empty array (set up above as "internalArray"), so a change will be detected. However, each of its elements will be set to the corresponding element of newValue, so that we expect the next time it runs everything should match and no change will be detected. So when everything is working normally this code will be run twice. Once for the setup, which detects a change from the initial null state, and then once again, because the detected change forces a new digest cycle to run. In the normal case no changes will be detected during this 2nd run, because at that point (oldValue[i] !== newValue[i])
will be false for all i. This is why you were seeing 2 console.log outputs in your working example.
But in your failing case, your filter code is generating a new array with new elments every time it's run. While this new array's elments have the same value as the old array's elements (it's a perfect copy), they are not the same actual elements. That is, they refer to different objects in memory that simply happen to have the same properties and values. Hence in your case oldValue[i] !== newValue[i]
will always be true, for the same reason that, eg, {x: 1} !== {x: 1}
is always true. And a change will always be detected.
So the essential problem is that your filter is creating a new copy of the array every time it's run, consisting of new elements that are copies of the original array's elments. So the watcher setup by ngRepeat just gets stuck in what is essentially an infinite recursive loop, always detecting a change and triggering a new digest cycle.
Here's a simpler version of your code that recreates the same problem: http://plnkr.co/edit/KiU4v4V0iXmdOKesgy7t?p=preview
The problem vanishes if the filter stops creating a new array every time it's run.