I am beginner in asp.net mvc. I have in the view Home.cshtml

<a href="" style="color:blue; margin-top : 30px;">Créer un nouveau compte</a>

I'd like to associate this link to this action in the controller SuperController

public ActionResult Admin_creation()
            return RedirectToAction("Admin_creation");

How can i do this?

2 Answers 2


Use Url.Action or ActionLink:

 @Url.Action("Admin_Creation", "Super");


 @Html.ActionLink("Créer un nouveau compte", "Admin_creation");

Yes - you can use:

@Html.ActionLink("Text on screen", "Method name", "Controller name");

so going by your snippet above yours should read:

@Html.ActionLink("Créer un nouveau compte", "Admin_creation", "SuperController");

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