The statement gives me the date and time.

How could I modify the statement so that it returns only the date (and not the time)?

SELECT to_timestamp( TRUNC( CAST( epoch_ms AS bigint ) / 1000 ) );

6 Answers 6


You use to_timestamp function and then cast the timestamp to date

 select to_timestamp(epoch_column)::date;

You can use more standard cast instead of ::

select cast(to_timestamp(epoch_column) as date);

More details:

/* Current time */
 select now();  -- returns timestamp

/* Epoch from current time;
   Epoch is number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 */
 select extract(epoch from now()); 

/* Get back time from epoch */
 -- Option 1 - use to_timestamp function
 select to_timestamp( extract(epoch from now()));
 -- Option 2 - add seconds to 'epoch'
 select timestamp with time zone 'epoch' 
         + extract(epoch from now()) * interval '1 second';

/* Cast timestamp to date */
 -- Based on Option 1
 select to_timestamp(extract(epoch from now()))::date;
 -- Based on Option 2
 select (timestamp with time zone 'epoch' 
          + extract(epoch from now()) * interval '1 second')::date; 

In your case:

 select to_timestamp(epoch_ms / 1000)::date;

PostgreSQL Docs

  • 1
    doesn't seem to work, i get syntax error. Did it change as of 2018?
    – cryanbhu
    Sep 15, 2018 at 15:34
  • 3
    well i ran the select to_timestamp(extract(epoch epoch_ms))::date; verbatim and it gave a syntax error near epoch_ms. I went to find other solutions and eventually this worked for me SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + (start_dt) * INTERVAL '1 second' as started_on. Could you please explain the difference between TIMESTAMP and to_timestamp()?
    – cryanbhu
    Sep 16, 2018 at 4:58
  • 3
    TIMESTAMP is just column type where to_timestamp is a build in function that translates unix epoch to timestamp starting calculations from '1970-01-01 00:00:00+00'
    – Losbaltica
    Dec 14, 2018 at 14:15
  • @cryanbhu, your error was caused by not typing from between epoch and epoch_ms; i.e., you should have typed epoch from epoch_ms inside the extract function. May 25, 2023 at 18:02
select to_timestamp(cast(epoch_ms/1000 as bigint))::date

worked for me

  • any idea how to make this work for older version (Postgres 8.0 / Redshift)?
    – Luc
    Sep 27, 2021 at 9:26

On Postgres 10:

SELECT to_timestamp(CAST(epoch_ms as bigint)/1000)


The solution above not working for the latest version on PostgreSQL. I found this way to convert epoch time being stored in number and int column type is on PostgreSQL 13:

SELECT TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + (<table>.field::int) * INTERVAL '1 second' as started_on from <table>;

For more detail explanation, you can see here https://www.yodiw.com/convert-epoch-time-to-timestamp-in-postgresql/#more-214

  • The above solutions will most definitely work with Postgres 12 or 13. But you can simplify your solution to make_timestamp(sec => the_column)
    – user330315
    May 27, 2020 at 17:28

This works for me fine:

   to_timestamp(cast(t.prev_fire_time/1000 as bigint)) as prev_fire_time,
   to_timestamp(cast(t.next_fire_time/1000 as bigint)) as next_fire_time,
   to_timestamp(cast(t.start_time/1000 as bigint)) as start_time
FROM public.qrtz_triggers t;

Seconds since epoch with GNU date:

$ date +%s.%N

This works with PostgreSQL 11:

# select to_timestamp (1627059870.945134901);
 2021-07-23 19:04:30.945135+02
(1 row)

# select to_timestamp (1627059870.945134901)::date;
(1 row)

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