Is it possible to get the filters applied on a particular dimension? I need to obtain all filters applied on a group of dc.js charts on click of a button.
2 Answers
I did something similar. However instead of using a button click I was getting the values each time the chart was filtered by attaching a renderlet.
The function your looking for is filters()
yourChart.renderlet(function(chart) { {
This will log the filters applied to the dimension given to the chart.
You can get the value of selected filters using the chart.filterPrinter() function which returns a function that returns a string version of the selected filters. The following code segment would return the string version of the currently selected filters for a chart.
You can even provide your own filterPrinter function for customization.
You can define on('filtered' function that is fired each time a filter value changes on a chart. This function receives the chart as the first argument, and current filter selection/un-selection as the second argument. But, you can get the full list of current selected filters using chart.filters() function.
myChart.on('filtered', function(chart, filter) {
var sel = chart.filterPrinter()(chart.filters());
console.log('Selected Filters are: ' + sel);