I'm working on a game for a competition and it's coming along pretty nicely so far. I made an image I want to use as a background, so I loaded and placed it the same as I did with the player image:



This is the result: bg error

It only shows a quarter of the whole image. Is the file size too big? Did I code something wrong?

I tried making four images, one for each quarter of the image, and position them in the correct spots on the canvas. This turned out even worse, and I think only showed a quarter of those as well.

I'm pretty puzzled about this, and would appreciate anyone's input on this. thanks


1 Answer 1


By default the image is centered on the coordinate you give it. To change this, set the parameter anchor to "nw" (northwest):

bg1=self.create_image(0,0,image=self.bg_1, anchor="nw")
  • Thanks a lot Bryan, you saved the day again! Commented May 22, 2013 at 0:02

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