I've run across this when using dataframes with MultiIndexes and found squeeze useful.
From the documentation:
Squeeze 1 dimensional axis objects into scalars.
Series or DataFrames with a single element are squeezed to a scalar.
DataFrames with a single column or a single row are squeezed to a
Series. Otherwise the object is unchanged.
# Example for a dataframe with MultiIndex
> import pandas as pd
> df = pd.DataFrame(
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [('i', 1), ('ii', 2), ('iii', 3)] ),
columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [('A', 'a'), ('B', 'b'), ('C', 'c')] )
> df
a b c
i 1 1 2 3
ii 2 4 5 6
iii 3 7 8 9
> df.loc['ii', 'B']
2 5
> df.loc['ii', 'B'].squeeze()
Note that while df.at[]
also works (if you aren't needing to use conditionals) you then still AFAIK need to specify all levels of the MultiIndex.
> df.at[('ii', 2), ('B', 'b')]
I have a dataframe with a six-level index and two-level columns, so only having to specify the outer level is quite helpful.
, you can take a look at this post for an explanation of the warning and possible workarounds/solutions.df['col'].iloc[0]
is faster thandf.iloc[0]['col']