I have created few helper methods one of which just does the same thing as is asked by the original author of the post at Ruby / Rails - Change the timezone of a Time, without changing the value.
Also I have documented few peculiarities I observed and also these helpers contains methods to completely ignore automatic day-light savings applicable while time-conversions which is not available out-of-the-box in Rails framework:
def utc_offset_of_given_time(time, ignore_dst: false)
# Correcting the utc_offset below
utc_offset = time.utc_offset
if !!ignore_dst && time.dst?
utc_offset_ignoring_dst = utc_offset - 3600 # 3600 seconds = 1 hour
utc_offset = utc_offset_ignoring_dst
def utc_offset_of_given_time_ignoring_dst(time)
utc_offset_of_given_time(time, ignore_dst: true)
def change_offset_in_given_time_to_given_utc_offset(time, utc_offset)
formatted_utc_offset = ActiveSupport::TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(utc_offset, false)
# change method accepts :offset option only on DateTime instances.
# and also offset option works only when given formatted utc_offset
# like -0500. If giving it number of seconds like -18000 it is not
# taken into account. This is not mentioned clearly in the documentation
# , though.
# Hence the conversion to DateTime instance first using to_datetime.
datetime_with_changed_offset = time.to_datetime.change(offset: formatted_utc_offset)
def ignore_dst_in_given_time(time)
return time unless time.dst?
utc_offset = time.utc_offset
if utc_offset < 0
dst_ignored_time = time - 1.hour
elsif utc_offset > 0
dst_ignored_time = time + 1.hour
utc_offset_ignoring_dst = utc_offset_of_given_time_ignoring_dst(time)
dst_ignored_time_with_corrected_offset =
change_offset_in_given_time_to_given_utc_offset(dst_ignored_time, utc_offset_ignoring_dst)
# A special case for time in timezones observing DST and which are
# ahead of UTC. For e.g. Tehran city whose timezone is Iran Standard Time
# and which observes DST and which is UTC +03:30. But when DST is active
# it becomes UTC +04:30. Thus when a IRDT (Iran Daylight Saving Time)
# is given to this method say '05-04-2016 4:00pm' then this will convert
# it to '05-04-2016 5:00pm' and update its offset to +0330 which is incorrect.
# The updated UTC offset is correct but the hour should retain as 4.
if utc_offset > 0
dst_ignored_time_with_corrected_offset -= 1.hour
Examples which can be tried on rails console or a ruby script after wrapping the above methods in a class or module:
dd1 = '05-04-2016 4:00pm'
dd2 = '07-11-2016 4:00pm'
utc_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['UTC']
est_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Eastern Time (US & Canada)']
tehran_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Tehran']
utc_dd1 = utc_zone.parse(dd1)
est_dd1 = est_zone.parse(dd1)
tehran_dd1 = tehran_zone.parse(dd1)
ignore_dst = true
utc_to_est_time = utc_dd1.in_time_zone(est_zone.name)
if utc_to_est_time.dst? && !!ignore_dst
utc_to_est_time = ignore_dst_in_given_time(utc_to_est_time)
puts utc_to_est_time
Hope this helps.