This is an old post and it seems that everybody like writing too much code here. But actually, you only need 3 lines of simple bash code in order to you can show properly the elapsed time in a well-formatted way.
START_TIME=$(date +%s)
# put your code here
ELAPSED=$(($(date +%s) - START_TIME))
printf "elapsed: %s\n\n" "$(date -d@$ELAPSED -u +%H\ hours\ %M\ min\ %S\ sec)"
This produces the following result:
elapsed: 0 hours 2 min 19 sec
Test the code:
START_TIME=$(date +%s)
printf "elapsed: %s\n\n" "$(date -d@$ELAPSED -u +%H\ hour\ %M\ min\ %S\ sec)"
elapsed: 23 hour 59 min 59 sec
If you would like to show the days as well, then you need to do a little trick in order for the day will be displayed properly:
printf "elapsed: %s\n\n" "$(date -d@$ELAPSED -u +%d\ days\ %H\ hour\ %M\ min\ %S\ sec)"
elapsed: 01 days 23 hour 59 min 59 sec
elapsed: 02 days 00 hour 00 min 00 sec
As you can see the day is calculated on a wrong way, so you need to do a math operation in bash this way:
printf "elapsed: %s day %s\n\n" "$(($(date -d@$ELAPSED -u +%d)-1))" "$(date -d@$ELAPSED -u +%H\ hour\ %M\ min\ %S\ sec)"
elapsed: 1 day 00 hour 00 min 00 sec
The \
character in the date-time pattern escapes the whitespace.
I hope that it helps you.