Even if I only change one of my classes, Maven always recompiles all of them. I use this plugin configuration:


This happens with mvn compile, mvn package and mvn install.

Of course this is not a problem if you have 10-15 files. However, I have more than one thousand source files and it takes a lot of time.

Does the Maven compiler plugin have some hidden settings to recompile only modified files? Are there any workarounds?

  • 1
    Probably bad news: See bug MCOMPILER-205. Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 13:38
  • 1
    Torsten, please take note of the warning comments to the answer you accepted; this is not a case of a true/false mixup. For background, see my answer. You may want to reconsider which answer to accept. Commented Apr 6, 2018 at 21:05
  • 1
    Looks like the Maven developers tried to develop an "improved" incremental compilation that doesn't work. When you set false you revert to the standard incremental compilation provided by javac, which is what this question is asking for. The accepted answer is correct and requires no warning qualifications.
    – robert
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 13:29
  • You could also try to use ecj over javac, differences explained here. IntelliJ bundles it under Java Compiler setting, though it already tracks changes itself. When switching reload your maven projects, e.g. not to run in this lombok issue.
    – cachius
    Commented Nov 21, 2022 at 17:08

2 Answers 2



While you can tell Maven "to recompile only modified files", doing so will lead to wrong results. The default behavior is not a bug, but an intentional design decision.

What useIncrementalCompilation really does

The documentation on this topic is, to put it mildly, not optimal. Here is what really happens (based on AbstractCompilerMojo source from maven-compiler-plugin 3.3):

  • useIncrementalCompilation set to false (not recommended)
    • This will only compile source files which are newer than their corresponding class files, i.e. which have been changed since the last compilation process. As @Ivan notes in a comment on another answer, this will not recompile other classes which use the changed class, potentially leaving them with references to methods that no longer exist, leading to errors at runtime.
  • useIncrementalCompilation set to true (default)
    • To handle the problem outlined above, in this mode the compiler plugin will determine whether
      • any JAR files the current module depends on have been changed in the current build run, or
      • any source file was added, removed or changed since the last compilation.
    • If this is the case, the compiler plugin intentionally recompiles all sources, printing Changes detected - recompiling the module!

So in summary, useIncrementalCompilation should always be left at the default of true.

Why it does not do something else

Understandably, one might ask: why does the plugin not determine which classes are affected by the changes, and recompile only those classes? In the comments on MCOMPILER-205, Maven developer Robert Scholte gave a brief rationale and later confirmed the following detailed explanation:

If any source file has been changed or removed, all files are deleted and recompiled. The reason for this is that simply recompiling everything with the default java compiler is quite fast, likely much faster than the alternative, which would look similar to this:

  1. detect all changed files
  2. analyze all source files to map all relations between classes
  3. calculate all affected files
  4. recompile affected files

However, as Robert also writes, recompiling everything is probably not necessary if the project uses the Eclipse compiler, which does this analysis. But for today's Maven users, this is a moot point as maven-compiler-plugin does not yet change its behavior based on the choice of compiler.

  • 5
    I think you have misread the developers comment. I was scratching my head at first but I think what he meant was that the default incremental compilation provided by javac is fast. I very much doubt he meant that recompiling everything each time you make a change is preferable. You only need a project of >100 source-files to show that's nonsense.
    – robert
    Commented Nov 2, 2018 at 13:32
  • 1
    @robert I asked for clarification in the linked issue and have updated my answer with the detailed explanation the developer confirmed. Now of course their assumption ("likely much faster than the alternative") may turn out to be wrong. I'm pretty sure that if you submit a patch and a demo project that proves this, the Maven team will gladly accept it. Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 17:14
  • @JensBannmann I'd be happy to merge a PR from you with this information.
    – Michael-O
    Commented Aug 24, 2020 at 16:29
  • @JensBannmann Does the resource folder also be compiled? Bcz when I modify a class and then compile it again resource folder hash is also changing.
    – user12640668
    Commented Aug 11, 2021 at 7:32
  • That's new to me. So, maven is reinventing make but removing all intelligent parts from it. ok!
    – bliako
    Commented Apr 25 at 19:32


Use it with Bulgarian notation (yes <-> no)

<useIncrementalCompilation>false</useIncrementalCompilation> means true and vice versa

  • 9
    Keep in mind that with this setting it does the simple incremental compilation, but it is not very usefull since it doesn't recompile dependent classes. So for example if you have class A calling a method of class B, and you modify signature of a method in B, maven will recompile only B and the compilation will suceed, but now A has a reference to the non-existent method in B.
    – Ivan
    Commented Apr 5, 2015 at 9:12
  • 12
    So this setting can be thought of as "useSmartIncrementalCompilation", so when we set it to false, we only get the basic (and dangerous) one I descibed above. In maven 3 the "smart" one seems to be broken, and instead of calculating the right dependent classes, if a single class in a project is changed it marks all classes as dependent classes, effectively making the compilation non-incremental.
    – Ivan
    Commented Apr 5, 2015 at 9:17
  • 5
    Dear wapgui, your answer is misleading, see the comments by @Ivan above. Please add a warning to the answer. Commented Mar 18, 2018 at 10:10
  • 2
    @robert I'm afraid I disagree. Nothing in the question indicates that "default javac behaviour ... is sought" or that "risks are understood and accepted as a fair tradeoff." It is also not noted in the answer, so that's why I recommended adding a warning to the answer. Commented Nov 15, 2018 at 17:19
  • 1
    @wapgui May you provide a reference explaining / coining the term "Bulgarian notation"? Never heard of this before, neither have google nor bing.
    – Philzen
    Commented Apr 21, 2021 at 0:52

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