You can do it very easily
var obj = { a: false, b: false, c: true, d: false, e: true, f: false };
name, names;
name = _.findKey(obj, true);
// -> 'c'
names = _.findKeys(obj, true);
// -> ['c', 'e']
For that you juste need to extend underscore a little :
findKey: function(obj, search, context) {
var result,
isFunction = _.isFunction(search);
_.any(obj, function (value, key) {
var match = isFunction ?, value, key, obj) : (value === search);
if (match) {
result = key;
return true;
return result;
findKeys: function(obj, search, context) {
var result = [],
isFunction = _.isFunction(search);
_.each(obj, function (value, key) {
var match = isFunction ?, value, key, obj) : (value === search);
if (match) {
return result;
And you can even use a function as filter, like this :
var team = {
place1: { name: 'john', age: 15 },
place2: { name: 'tim', age: 21 },
place3: { name: 'jamie', age: 31 },
place4: { name: 'dave', age: 17 }}
// Determine the places of players who are major
var placeNames = _.findKeys(team, function(value) { return value.age >= 18; });
// -> ['place2', 'place3']
Enjoy ;-)