I have process id in a file "pid" I'd like to kill it.

Something like:

kill -9 <read pid from file>

I tried:

kill -9 `more pid` 

but it does not work. I also tried xargs but can't get my head around it.


5 Answers 5



kill -9 $(cat pid)

work for you?

  • 1
    +1. I prefer the $() method over backticks, since you can nest them.
    – paxdiablo
    Commented Nov 10, 2009 at 22:54

Let me summarize all answers

kill -9 $(cat pid)
kill -9 `cat pid`
cat pid | xargs kill -9

my preference is

kill -9 `cat pid`

that will work for any command in the backticks.


kill -9 $(cat pid) or cat pid | xargs kill -9 will both work


You should be starting off gradually and then move up to the heavy stuff to kill the process if it doesn't want to play nicely.

A SIGKILL (-9) signal can't be caught and that will mean that any resources being held by the process won't be cleaned up.

Try using a kill SIGTERM (-15) first and then check for the presence of the process still by doing a kill -0 $(cat pid). If it is still hanging around, then by all means clobber it with -9.

SIGTERM can be caught by a process and any process that has been properly written should have a signal handler to catch the SIGTERM and then clean up its resources before exiting.

  • Note that you can pass kill -s TERM rather than kill -15.
    – jpaugh
    Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 18:33

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