SBT runs dependency resolution every time after clean even if project dependency management configuration hasn't changed. This is time consuming when running on CI server.

But documentation says:

  1. Normally, if no dependency management configuration has changed since the last successful resolution and the retrieved files are still present, sbt does not ask Ivy to perform resolution.

How can I stop sbt from doing dependency resolution every time I build project with sbt clean publish-local ?


I've discovered that sbt also runs resolution when I enter in interactive mode with sbt.


As @Ezhik pointed if I can preserve target/resolution-cache then sbt will not resolve dependencies after clean. So I tried to move resolution-cache out from target dir:

ivyConfiguration <<= (externalResolvers, ivyPaths, offline, checksums, appConfiguration, target, streams) map { (rs, paths, off, check, app, t, s) =>
        val resCacheDir = t / ".." / "resolution-cache"
        new InlineIvyConfiguration(paths, rs, Nil, Nil, off, Option(lock(app)), check, Some(resCacheDir), s.log)

Now with this code in Build.scala resolution cache is placed in project root and is therefore preserved after clean, but resolution is being done anyway. So I assume this approach is wrong or insufficient.

4 Answers 4


Because of directory target/resolution-cache that contains Ivy reports. It is obviously that you remove all target content while clean operation.

IMHO You must point it in your project to somewhere out from target if you want to preserve resolution state.


vs SBT.0.12.4.RC1

  1. Find where resolution-cache is used - in IvyConfiguration
  2. Inspect where IvyConfiguration located - in project scope

    > inspect ivy-configuration
    [info] Task: sbt.IvyConfiguration
    [info] Description:
    [info]  General dependency management (Ivy) settings, such as the resolvers and paths to use.
    [info] Provided by:
    [info]  {file:/home/ezh/projects/sbt/}xsbt/*:ivy-configuration
    [info] Dependencies:
    [info]  xsbt/*:offline
  3. Fix it in build.sbt.

    ivyConfiguration <<= (ivyConfiguration, baseDirectory) map {
      case (c: InlineIvyConfiguration, b) => import c._
        new InlineIvyConfiguration(paths, resolvers, otherResolvers, moduleConfigurations,
         localOnly, lock, checksums, resolutionCacheDir.map(_ => b / "123"), log)
      case (other, _) => other // something unknown

4 Test... Ups... resolution is still active... Investigate. ->

target/scala-2.10/cache/default-920e5d/global/update/output cache contain pointers to resolution-cache :)

  1. Fix it.

    cacheDirectory <<= baseDirectory / "234"

Test. Got it. Resolution is skipped.

Summary changes for required configuration:

ivyConfiguration <<= (ivyConfiguration, baseDirectory) map {
  case (c: InlineIvyConfiguration, b) => import c._
    new InlineIvyConfiguration(paths, resolvers, otherResolvers, moduleConfigurations,
     localOnly, lock, checksums, resolutionCacheDir.map(_ => b / "123"), log)
  case (other, _) => other // something unknown
cacheDirectory <<= baseDirectory / "234"

vs SBT.0.13.x

@deprecated("Use the cacheDirectory provided by streams.", "0.13.0")


  • 1
    With your own hands? SBT is very expressive. OK special for you :))) And for me as a funny case.
    – Ezhik
    Commented Jun 20, 2013 at 8:43
  • 3
    +1, great answer @Ezhik. Sadly this solution will not work with sbt 0.13, unfortunately. cacheDirectory has been deprecated (and as far as the dependency resolution workaround is concerned, cacheDirectory has been effectively removed). I have yet to find a workable solution on 0.13, frustrating having sbt check for updates on every single clean/compile. Commented Sep 12, 2013 at 9:55
  • 1
    @virtualeyes: any luck coming up with a working solution for 0.13.x? Commented Mar 24, 2014 at 3:47

Might be that you have SNAPSHOT dependencies. They are subject to change anytime so must be resolved on every run. You can suppress this with

    offline := true
  • I'm aware of snapshots. It's not the case. Sbt runs resolution for all dependencies available. Commented Jun 19, 2013 at 12:49
  • Sorry where should I apply this line of code build.sbt? Could you please provide some context...
    – khebbie
    Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 11:01
  • @khebbie run set offline := true in your sbt command line (REPL) OR run sbt with sbt "set offline := true" run. You could in theory also add this to your build.sbt, but then you would always have to edit your build file to toggle offline mode. Commented Jul 10, 2016 at 20:50

This works for me on 0.13.1.

cleanKeepFiles ++= Seq("resolution-cache", "streams").map(target.value / _)
  • works for me in 0.13.2 , you need to add that line to all subprojects individually
    – sam
    Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 9:27

You can prevent clean from deleting certain files with this setting:

// path should be adapted for newer sbt versions
cleanKeepFiles <+= cacheDirectory / "update"

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