I have a php based website which is connecting to a third party SOAP web service.
I am creating and parsing the request and response envelope xml successfully. The only issue is with the actual communication. I am using sockets, as I saw this code as an example and was able to modify it to work for our case.
$socket = fsockopen("ssl://***",443);
if ($socket!==false){
$request = "POST /***.asmx HTTP/1.1\n".
"Host: ***\n".
"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\n".
"Content-Length: ".strlen($request)."\n".
"SOAPAction: \"http://***\"\n\n".
fputs($socket, $request);
However reading the response was always hanging until the connection timed out. This is due to the method I use to read FGETS
requiring an end of line or end of file marker, which it doesn't receive from the web service. As a result I am forced to read the response one byte at a time and check if the SOAP envelope is closed, and then manually stop. This seems somewhat inefficient to me.
while (!feof($socket) && substr($response,-16) != "</soap:Envelope>" ) {
$response .= fgets($socket,2); // force read one byte at a time
So, my question(s) are: Is this a known phenomenon for .net web services? Is there a better way to perform this communication, or specifically the read (other than FGETS)?
And on a slightly unrelated note, why does the fgets function require me to specify 2, to read 1 byte? (Or is this related to the charset, ie: if the response is in utf8 then 1 character is represented by 2 bytes)