Say I build an array like this:
:001 > holder = "This.File.Q99P84.Is.Awesome"
=> "This.File.Q99P84.Is.Awesome"
:002 > name = holder.split(".")
=> ["This", "File", "Q99P84", "Is", "Awesome"]
Now, I can do:
name[2].include? 'Q99P84'
Instead of putting in 'Q99P84' I want to put in something like 'symbol for Q followed by
symbol for number, symbol for number, symbol for P, symbol for number, symbol for number
so the .include? function will be dynamic. So any file name I load that has Q##P## will return true
I'm pretty sure this is possibly I just don't know exactly what to search. If you know the answer can you link me to the documentation.