this is foo.asm

extern choose;
[section .data]
num1st dq 3
num2nd dq 4
[section .text]
global main
global myprint
  push qword [num2nd]
  push qword [num1st]
  call choose
  add esp,8
  mov ebx,0
  mov eax,1
  int 0x80
  ;  pop qword [num1st]
  ;  pop qword [num2nd]
  mov edx,[esp+8]
  mov ecx,[esp+4]
  mov ebx,1
  mov eax,4
  int 0x80
  ;  pop qword [num1st]
  ;  pop qword [num2nd]

it is a C-asm-program

this is bar.c

void myprint(char * msg ,int len);
int choose(int a,int b) 
  if (a>=b){
    myprint("the 1st one\n",13);}
  else {
    myprint("the 2nd one\n",13);}
  return 0;

nasm -f elf64 foo.asm

gcc -c bar.c

gcc -s -o foobar bar.o foo.o

./foobar ,it says segmentation fault core dumped

I use gdb to debug ,but it says missing debuginfo-install, I am also trying to install it.

maybe the problem has sth to do with the 86_64 arch...

Segmentation fault when pushing on stack (NASM) after watched this link,I add some 'pop' into it but it doesn't work

  • Your functions don't seem to obey any sensible calling conventions?! They also don't seem to set up the stack frame.
    – Kerrek SB
    Jun 25, 2013 at 7:37
  • what is in myprint(..)?
    – Dayal rai
    Jun 25, 2013 at 7:38
  • thank you for reading !!! I'm sorry I will edit it !!!! I miss the way to compile the two!!! Jun 25, 2013 at 7:40
  • myprint() is in the C-code Jun 25, 2013 at 7:45

1 Answer 1


Arguments are not passed on the stack in 64-bit mode, unless you have more than 6 of them. The first two arguments will be in RDI and RSI.

There's also a difference in how you should use system calls in 64-bit mode. The syscall number and arguments should be placed in the following registers (source):

syscall nr  rax
arg 1       rdi
arg 2       rsi
arg 3       rdx
arg 4       r10
arg 5       r9
arg 6       r8

And the sys_write syscall number in 64-bit mode is 1, not 4. Also, instead of int 0x80 you should use syscall. Performing syscalls with int 0x80 might work in 64-bit mode depending on how your kernel has been configured, but you still need to consider how function arguments are passed.

  • by the way,how to let the cpu arch don't affect my program (not my code)? Jun 25, 2013 at 8:08
  • If you program in assembly you will be affected by the CPU architecture. It comes with the territory. I suggest that you avoid using system calls directly unless you have a very good reason to do so, and instead use libc functions like puts and printf. That will at least solve part of the problem.
    – Michael
    Jun 25, 2013 at 8:13

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