I'm pretty new to PHP and mySQL, and so I'm really confused as to why this isn't working:

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$response["id"] = $row["id"];
mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$response['id']'");
$response["name"] = $row["name"];
$response["message"] = $row["message"];
$response["city"] = $row["city"];
$response["time"] = $row["date"];

$response["success"] = 1;

I basically want to delete the row right away. I've tried a ton of different things, and I think my syntax must be wrong somewhere. I tried saying

$todelete = $response["id"];
mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$todelete'");

But no good. What's odd is if I say

 mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID=4");

it deletes the row with the ID of 4 just fine.

I'm sure this is a really dumb mistake, can someone educate me?


7 Answers 7


check this

mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$todelete'");

change this line to

mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='".$todelete."'");

This looks like a string formatting issue. Here are some options:

mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID = '{$row['id']}'");

mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID = '" . $row['id'] . "'");

// Or try this

$todelete = $row["id"];

mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID = '$todelete'");

mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID = '" . $todelete . "'");

Make sure your code is not susceptible to SQL Injection!

  • None of these worked :( I think it must be due to the type of $response['id']. For instance, saying $id = 7 and then doing a DELETE WHERE id=$id works just fine. But saying $id = $response['id'] is no good.
    – bob
    Jun 26, 2013 at 6:03
  • @user1903064 - You placed the string within mysql_query()?
    – Aiias
    Jun 26, 2013 at 6:04
  • @user1903064 - Updated answer to use $row['id'].
    – Aiias
    Jun 26, 2013 at 6:09
  • I'm at a loss. I don't want to waste any more of your time, since this is such an odd issue that perhaps something else is going wrong beyond my knowledge... but I fail to understand why $id = 8, "DELETE FROM balloons WHERE id=$id" works, whereas $id=$row['id'] "DELETE FROM balloons WHERE id=$id" doesn't work. I've even tried casting $id as an int... This is so odd. EDIT and I know $row['id'] isn't null, since I'm echoing it and it's always a number. So confused.
    – bob
    Jun 26, 2013 at 6:14
  • 1
    Thanks. I will continue looking into this and update when/if I find the answer!
    – bob
    Jun 26, 2013 at 6:18

Store the value in a variable first

 mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$id'");

if 'id' is an integer not need to keep in quotes. you can write like this

 mysql_query("DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID=$id");
  • I've actually tried this, no good. I honestly have no clue why. I'm looking at the other suggestions now... (but thanks!)
    – bob
    Jun 26, 2013 at 5:56

Try this one:

$todelete = $row["id"];

$query = "DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$todelete'";


Are you getting the correct value for $row['id'] and $result ?

Have you tried dumping $result and $row['id']?



If it gives you the correct array with the values you want. You can do:

 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

 $todelete = $row["id"];
 mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$todelete'");

Or You might need to do this :

 while($row = mysql_fetch_array()){
           $todelete = $row["id"];
           mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID='$todelete'");


Try doing var_dump() of $result, $row, $row['id'] etc on each steps to DEBUG.


All you need to do is this-

mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID=' " .$response['id']. " ' ");

or rather just use this

mysql_query(" DELETE FROM balloons WHERE ID=' " .$row['id']. " ' ");

Also, I hope you checked if you are are getting the correct result into row['id']


Try this.

mysql_query("DELETE FROM default_ps_products WHERE ID='".$todelete."'");

or you can use this also

mysql_query("DELETE FROM default_ps_products WHERE ID=$todelete");

it will work fine. hope you found your solution.

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