I know you can use checkbox template to control its look-and-feel but how would I hide the checkbox for the root node (and only the root node)?


The answer below does the trick as well. However, I ended up using a template like this:

checkboxes: {
    checkChildren: true,
    template: "# if(item.Id != 1){# <input type='checkbox'  name='section[#= item.Id #]' value='true' />#} #"

"Id" is the id field in my dataSource.

3 Answers 3


This might do the trick but it is dirty, it's much nicer defining a template:

    checkboxes: true,
    dataBound : function () {
        $("#treeview > ul > li > div span.k-checkbox").hide();

See it running here: http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/b3UBh/1/

  • 1
    note that this only works with local databinding. Other way is to hide nodes in css. Commented Jun 23, 2015 at 15:19

Try assigning a class name by using HTMLAttributes

.HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "hideHeaderCheckbox" })

Then do something like this during document.ready

$("#idofyourtreeView .hideHeaderCheckbox").each(function () {
            $(this).find("div .k-checkbox input").eq(0).hide();

Hope that helps.


Answer found from this article of Telerik : https://www.telerik.com/forums/hide-treeview-checkboxes-on-parent-nodes

From the reference:

The easiest approach is to hide checkboxes in root items with CSS:

<TelerikTreeView Class="root-checkboxes" />

    .root-checkboxes > ul > li > div:first-child .k-checkbox-wrapper > .k-checkbox {
        display: none;

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