I'm using ghci 6.10.4 at the dos command line in XP, and also in emacs using haskell-mode-2.4

When running programs that operate on stdin, is there a way I can redirect a file to be stdin? For example if I have a function called main that reads from stdin, I can't do:

*Main> main < words.txt

Is there another way?

Also I would like to be able to type stdin into the ghci window, which seems to work, but what is the EOF key? I thought it was Ctrl-D but that doesn't work.

  • 3
    I believe in dos/windows Ctrl-Z is the EOF key... Nov 14, 2009 at 20:25
  • Ah yeah. I tried that and thought it failed, but does in fact work, but then as the answer below states, it also closes stdin and you get an error message like : *Main> <stdin>: hLookAhead: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)
    – justinhj
    Nov 14, 2009 at 22:54

2 Answers 2


This will be easier if you rework your main to open the file itself.

import System.Environment
import System.IO

main :: IO ()
main = do
    args <- getArgs
    case args of
      [] -> doStuff stdin
      file:_ ->
        withFile file ReadMode doStuff

doStuff :: Handle -> IO ()
doStuff = …
*Main> System.Environment.withArgs ["main.txt"] main

Don't give a EOF on stdin while within GHCi. If you do, all further attempts to read from stdin will fail:

Prelude> getLine
*** Exception: <stdin>: hGetLine: illegal operation (handle is closed)
Prelude> getContents
*** Exception: <stdin>: hGetContents: illegal operation (handle is closed)
  • On Cygwin, CTRL+C seems to cancel an operation while also closing the file handle? How do you cancel the operation without closing the handle? Jun 5, 2015 at 17:37

You CAN type :main in GHCi to invoke command line parameters. I'm afraid you'll probably just want to use that.

  • 1
    +1 Whoa, when'd they add that? That's definitely shorter than …withArgs…
    – ephemient
    Nov 14, 2009 at 22:02
  • 5
    That's handy but you can't redirect stdin like this: :main < words.txt
    – justinhj
    Nov 14, 2009 at 22:59
  • 1
    Sorry ephemient, but I haven't been using haskell long so it's been here as long as I can remember. And justinhj, why not try this? main = do { args <- getArgs; let file = head args; contents <- readFile file; hPutStr stdin contents; ... } Then you can do :main words.txt
    – codebliss
    Nov 14, 2009 at 23:28

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