I have some custom elements in a ListView and each element is, up to know, just a TextView in a LinearLayout. I would like the text inside the TextView to be a single line scrolling horizontally when the text is too long. I read many posts on this and I came up with a solution that was supposed to work, but instead of having the full text scrolling I have the text cut to the length of the containing View and ended with the three dots. I don't want the three dots but the entire text needs to be scrolled.

This is the layout of the items in the list (list_item.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:paddingTop="7dp" >


        android:textColor="@drawable/list_item_text_selector" />


I tried also with android:focusable="true", android:scrollHorizontally="true" and android:maxLines="1" attributes but none of them is working. In the getView() method of the adapter (which extends a BaseAdapter) I use the setSelected(true) method on the TextView, before returning the View.

I can't figure out what the problem is. Any help will be highly appreciated.

  • I also have the same problem! I tried lots of different solutions and none of them worked!
    – thiagolr
    Jul 1, 2013 at 12:02
  • Hi Andre, could you post your getView() please? Thanks.
    – Tom
    Jul 1, 2013 at 13:01
  • I think it's pretty clear what's happening here. However, there are two solutions and I can't tell which one you need without code! So, tell me, if you programatically set your ListView s.t. setItemsCanFocus(false), does this solve your problem? If not, there's something else that'll fix it.
    – Tom
    Jul 1, 2013 at 13:39
  • Tom, thanks for your reply! Actually I found the solution to my problem. After some attempts I've realized that the problem was the android:selectAllOnFocus="true" line. I can't really understand why, but this line gave the strange behavior I described in the question. Now everything is working very well, the text is complete and scrolling like desired when it is too long for the containing view.
    – Andre
    Jul 1, 2013 at 14:48
  • 1
    I can probably explain. it's because in onLayout in Listview, the selected child sel is gotten, and setSelected is set false given a complicated condition which can be broken a few ways- one is the above, one is your way. Setting setSelected in gtView doesn't work as that step is processed before the listview performs onLayout on the element. (See grepcode.com/file_/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/… whenever you need clarification!)
    – Tom
    Jul 1, 2013 at 15:03

7 Answers 7


I had the same problem today and was able to figure it out. None of the listed solutions here worked so I thought I'd share what fixed it for me.

TL;DR: If you are dynamically setting the text of the TextView, try setting the required "marquee" properties in code instead of in the layout xml file.

Longer version: In my case, I had a GridView with an adapter and a TextView in each item. Some of the item's had text that was too long to fit in its "cell" of the grid, and thus I wanted all items that were too long to scroll a few times. Being that the TextView is in a GridView with an adapter, the text was obviously being set in code, from the current item of the adapter.

Through much painful debugging, I finally had the idea to set all of the marquee settings in code instead of in the layout xml file. This caused the 3 dots (...) to finally go away from the TextView and begin scrolling instead.

Here's what my layout file looks like now: (note that none of the properties listed above are set here)


And here's what my adapter code looks like:

  • 1
    Fortunately I've already solved, but thanks for sharing your solution, it could be useful for anyone else having similar problems. I personally prefer to leave everything in the xml layout and programmatically set only what is not possible to set in xml (but this is of course a matter of personal preferences).
    – Andre
    Apr 2, 2014 at 7:21
  • Absolutely, I completely agree. My problem was that setting them in the xml was not working and was causing the odd behavior you described above. (Showing the 3 dots while scrolling, instead of the full text.) I would have preferred to set the properties in the xml but for some reason, setting them in code (after the text is set) solved my problem. I'm guessing because the math to do the ellipsize and marquee animation was being calculated too early and before the text was actually set dynamically. (In my case, the text must be set in code because this was a repeated view and an adapter.)
    – kdenney
    Apr 2, 2014 at 13:42
  • Not nice that unexpected things happen to your XML setup when calling something as innocent as .setText(). :(
    – Diederik
    Aug 15, 2014 at 11:20
  • It's funny how the end result is random, sometimes if works just by setting isSelected(true), sometimes when coupling it with the rest of the parameters in code rather than xml every time the text changes. Thanks for your answer, now I won't even think i'll just blindly plug those after each textview which is expected to scroll Jul 23, 2016 at 8:49
  • 1
    Funny enough it's sufficient to just set setSingleLine(true) and setSelected(true) in code after setting the text. ellipsize and marqueeRepeatLimit may be set in xml. Other parameters are optional. The behavior (or bugs) maybe relate to the support library version you use, as it replaces occurences of TextView with AppCompatTextView which may override some parts of the behavior.
    – cybergen
    Feb 14, 2017 at 1:10

Key is here to do setSelected(true); on text view.. Of course


need to be set in xml as well. Without all of this marquee will not happen. Ever.

  • I needed to add singleLine="true" as well, which is odd especially as it is deprecated.
    – Ollie C
    Apr 24, 2017 at 11:46

As @iDroid Explorer pointed out, posting and accepting the answer can be of help to someone else. Adapting from my reply to Tom's comment:

I found the solution to my problem. After some attempts I've realized that the problem was the android:selectAllOnFocus="true" line (Read @Tom's explanation for probabale reason). I just removed that line and now everything is working very well, the text is complete and scrolling like desired when it is too long for the containing view.

  • 1
    May I receive at least an explanation for a downvote? If the proposed solution doesn't work for anyone it doesn't mean the solution itself is wrong. It may be due to different conditions or other reasons...
    – Andre
    Jan 28, 2015 at 15:52
  • Focus was taking by an other view on my layout , gave it to the textview and voilà , it's working as expected.Thank you.
    – moujib
    Feb 23, 2016 at 11:02

Either put your LinearLayout or your TextView inside of a HorizontalScrollView. This will allow the text to be displayed in full and allow for scrolling right and left.

  • 1
    Great idea, but I guess that'd not the same as a marquee...?
    – Tom
    Jul 1, 2013 at 13:19
  • Thanks for the reply Mike, see my comment to Tom's suggestion. Actually, removing the android:selectAllOnFocus="true" line solved the problem!
    – Andre
    Jul 1, 2013 at 14:54

Try setting your layout_width to "match_parent". The TextView needs a specific width for the ellipsis to work and won't work with "wrap_content".

  • 1
    Thanks for the reply chirsbjr, but I had already tried the change you suggested without success. Indeed the wrap_content attribute works well for the TextView. See my comment to Tom's suggestion in the original question. Actually, removing the android:selectAllOnFocus="true" line solved the problem!
    – Andre
    Jul 1, 2013 at 14:57
  • @chrisbji can it is possible in Linear layout i have text inside Linearlayout and i want to set marquee in linearlayout ??
    – Amitsharma
    Jan 2, 2017 at 6:44

I was Facing Same Issue With my textView Now got reason why it is showing ...at the end of text.!

                android:text="START | lunch 20.00 | Dinner 60.00 | Travel 60.00 | Doctor 5000.00 | lunch 20.00 | Dinner 60.00 | Travel 60.00 | Doctor 5000.00 | END" />

and After Initialization In my Activity


I found the solution to my problem. After some attempts I've realized that the problem was the android:textIsSelectable="true". I just removed that line and now everything is working very well, the text is complete and scrolling like desired when it is too long for the containing view.

    android:text="START | lunch 20.00 | Dinner 60.00 | Travel 60.00 | Doctor 5000.00 | lunch 20.00 | Dinner 60.00 | Travel 60.00 | Doctor 5000.00 | END"

textView.setSelected(true) // Add these line in Your Activity

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