I am using SQL Server 2005. I want to create a stored procedure that will save data into a .csv file.

Below is the query I am trying but it is not creating any file in my system:

use PBMS_DocumationWorkflow
create proc s_bcpMasterSysobjects
   select   '"' + name + '"'
            + ',' + '"' + convert(varchar(8), crdate, 112) + '"'
            + ',' + '"' + convert(varchar(8), crdate, 108) + '"'
   from master..sysobjects
   order by crdate desc
declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = 'bcp "exec PBMS_DocumationWorkflow..s_bcpMasterSysobjects"
                out c:\bcp\sysobjects.txt -c -t, -T -S'+ @@servername
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

Please suggest the cause or give me sample code which works fine.


  • Are you getting an error message? Is the file just not appearing?
    – Tom H
    Nov 16, 2009 at 14:57
  • it just not showing any error Nov 16, 2009 at 15:01

1 Answer 1


Try changing the "out" to "queryout"

  • 1
    When I made that change it worked fine for me. Are you sure that xp_cmdshell is enabled on your server?
    – Tom H
    Nov 16, 2009 at 15:29
  • I have already enabled xp_cmdshell for sql server. But still on able to create file however I am able to create file using declare @sql varchar(8000) set @sql = 'OSQL -S EIL-SW-DSK-038\SQLEXPRESS -E -Q "execute AlphaTripNotes.dbo.s_bcpMasterSysobjects" -b -o c:\bcp\sysobjects.csv' exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql, no_output Nov 16, 2009 at 16:08
  • can you please suggest how I can send this file as attachment from sql server. I can have mutiple files for attachment. Nov 16, 2009 at 16:09

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