I'm using Twitter's Typeahead.js (Not the one included in Bootstrap) and I was wondering if there was a similar function to minLength=0 that exists in Better-Typeahead (Bootstrap)

Triggering on input looked promising, but I don't want there to be any text in the input box when the dropdown is triggered.

1 Answer 1


Yep, Datasets have a minLength option, see the code here. It's been around since v0.9.1, but it hasn't made its way to the README yet.

Here's how you'd use it:

  minLength: 3,
  local: [/* ... */]
  • 1
    Thanks! I've temporarily switched from using Twitter Typeahead for the sake of productivity, but I'll try this in the future
    – Meredith
    Jul 16, 2013 at 18:31
  • 2
    I have it set like this: $('.typeahead').typeahead(null, { minLength: 3, displayKey: 'value', source: geoLocation.ttAdapter() }); But still makes request at the first typing May 26, 2014 at 23:52

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