Using Python 2.7 how do I round my numbers to two decimal places rather than the 10 or so it gives?

print "financial return of outcome 1 =","$"+str(out1)
  • 3
    This could be a can of worms. Are you storing financial data in a floating point variable and now want to round that? Exact rounding is not possible in most cases. You might want to use integers or Decimals, depending on what you're actually trying to do. Commented Jul 4, 2013 at 12:57
  • Learn about format specifiers. You can directly print float values, without converting them to strings.
    – John Doe
    Commented Jul 4, 2013 at 13:11

9 Answers 9


Use the built-in function round():

>>> round(1.2345,2)
>>> round(1.5145,2)
>>> round(1.679,2)

Or built-in function format():

>>> format(1.2345, '.2f')
>>> format(1.679, '.2f')

Or new style string formatting:

>>> "{:.2f}".format(1.2345)
>>> "{:.2f}".format(1.679)

Or old style string formatting:

>>> "%.2f" % (1.679)

help on round:

>>> print round.__doc__
round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number

Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).
This always returns a floating point number.  Precision may be negative.
  • 2
    The string formatting method is useful when working with Decimals. E.g. Decimal("{:.2f}".format(val)) Commented May 2, 2014 at 8:27
  • @PatchRickWalsh Or simply Decimal(format(val, '.2f')). Commented May 2, 2014 at 8:39
  • 9
    Cool! I didn't know about that format builtin. After exploring more, I think this is the most accurate way of rounding if floating point errors are absolutely not acceptable: Decimal('123.345').quantize(Decimal('1.00'), rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) gives you Decimal('123.35'). On the other hand Decimal(format(Decimal('123.345'), '.2f')) gives you Decimal('123.34') because the binary representation of 123.345 is less than 123.345. Commented May 2, 2014 at 9:16

Since you're talking about financial figures, you DO NOT WANT to use floating-point arithmetic. You're better off using Decimal.

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> Decimal("33.505")

Text output formatting with new-style format() (defaults to half-even rounding):

>>> print("financial return of outcome 1 = {:.2f}".format(Decimal("33.505")))
financial return of outcome 1 = 33.50
>>> print("financial return of outcome 1 = {:.2f}".format(Decimal("33.515")))
financial return of outcome 1 = 33.52

See the differences in rounding due to floating-point imprecision:

>>> round(33.505, 2)
>>> round(Decimal("33.505"), 2)  # This converts back to float (wrong)
>>> Decimal(33.505)  # Don't init Decimal from floating-point

Proper way to round financial values:

>>> Decimal("33.505").quantize(Decimal("0.01"))  # Half-even rounding by default

It is also common to have other types of rounding in different transactions:

>>> import decimal
>>> Decimal("33.505").quantize(Decimal("0.01"), decimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN)
>>> Decimal("33.505").quantize(Decimal("0.01"), decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)

Remember that if you're simulating return outcome, you possibly will have to round at each interest period, since you can't pay/receive cent fractions, nor receive interest over cent fractions. For simulations it's pretty common to just use floating-point due to inherent uncertainties, but if doing so, always remember that the error is there. As such, even fixed-interest investments might differ a bit in returns because of this.


You can use str.format(), too:

>>> print "financial return of outcome 1 = {:.2f}".format(1.23456)
financial return of outcome 1 = 1.23

When working with pennies/integers. You will run into a problem with 115 (as in $1.15) and other numbers.

I had a function that would convert an Integer to a Float.

return float(115 * 0.01)

That worked most of the time but sometimes it would return something like 1.1500000000000001.

So I changed my function to return like this...

return float(format(115 * 0.01, '.2f'))

and that will return 1.15. Not '1.15' or 1.1500000000000001 (returns a float, not a string)

I'm mostly posting this so I can remember what I did in this scenario since this is the first result in google.

  • As pointed out in another answer, for financial data use decimal numbers, not floats. Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 3:24
  • 1
    I ended up converting most everything to integers. It seems to be much easier to work with. However, I wasn't doing anything that deals with fractions of pennies.
    – teewuane
    Commented Mar 22, 2017 at 0:09

The best, I think, is to use the format() function:

>>> print("financial return of outcome 1 = $ " + format(str(out1), '.2f'))
// Should print: financial return of outcome 1 = $ 752.60

But I have to say: don't use round or format when working with financial values.

  • format requires non-string for f format. If not you got a ValueError. The correct code is: format(out1, '.2f') without casting to string
    – danius
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 23:53

When we use the round() function, it will not give correct values.

you can check it using, round (2.735) and round(2.725)

please use

import math
num = input('Enter a number')
  • Please add an example you tested, the results and what do you think is wrong with them. Commented May 10, 2017 at 15:25
  • import math num = input('Enter a number') numr = float(round(num, 2)) print numr
    – Midhun M M
    Commented May 11, 2017 at 3:49
print "financial return of outcome 1 = $%.2f" % (out1)

A rather simple workaround is to convert the float into string first, the select the substring of the first four numbers, finally convert the substring back to float. For example:

>>> out1 = 1.2345
>>> out1 = float(str(out1)[0:4])
>>> out1

May not be super efficient but simple and works :)

  • 2
    This method is very unreliable. If your value has more than one digit before the decimal point you don't get the two wanted decimal places. Same problem with a negative number. Commented Apr 10, 2018 at 16:15

Rounding up to the next 0.05, I would do this way:

def roundup(x):
    return round(int(math.ceil(x / 0.05)) * 0.05,2)

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