foreach (SPListItem item in listitems)

            AttachmentControlTemplate atch_templt = new AttachmentControlTemplate(countr);
            atch_templt.lnk_btn.Text = item.File.Name;
            atch_templt.lnk_btn.OnClientClick = "window.open('" + site_url + "/" + item.File.Url + "')";


Above sever side code shows the way of retrieving the name of a document which saved in a SharePoint document library by using "item.File.Name",i have done this completely, but how do i do same thing by using Client Object Model. What should i use instead of "item.File.Name".

Would anyone help me to sort this out ??

Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Just now i found that i can retrieve the particular file name by using " currentmodule.get_item("LinkFilename")", but how can i retrieve the url of that particular file ?
    – Nera
    Jul 9, 2013 at 7:15
  • finally i have found the way to get the Url of a saved document. i am sharing it with others. i have retrieved the file name and concatenated with the Url of the document library.
    – Nera
    Aug 1, 2013 at 8:51

1 Answer 1


finally i have found the way to get the Url of a saved document. i am sharing it with others. i have retrieved the file name and concatenated with the Url of the document library.

var fileUrl = "Document library Url" + "File Name";

By using above fileUrl, the document can be opened.

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